Hello and welcome to my blog, that can change your life. (it certainly changed mine.) This blog can provide you with a good advice that can solve your problems, but it can do much more than that. You can change your life for the better for ever. If you want to do so, then feel free to read any post and try to learn from it. Contact me for more information and encouragement. Good luck and thank you for coming.

Friday, 27 February 2009

Never lie

If you do all the right way and everything happens exactly as it's supposed to happen, and at the last moment it all collapses, then you have been untrue to someone. May be you have lied to others to get the needed results or you may be even lied to your self, but remember, lies make your energy field weak and if you let it happen, then you are not protected from negative thoughts and they most likely will result in bad actions, that seem to be the right things at that moment, but in the end you will see, that it was a mistake and no one but your self is guilty for that. How to get rid of the effect or result you have caused? You have to tell the truth to all, who you have lied to. It's hard if you have to tell it your closest ones, because they most likely will be disappointed in you, but the hardest part is when you have lied to your self. You have convinced your self, that it's the truth, but now you have to find, what is the lie and that is a grate task, but after that you have to make your self see, that actually the thing is looking totally different.

Thursday, 26 February 2009

No doubt allowed

This man has made me set up my goal and start acting on it. This man has made me 1000$ in 2 months unexpected income. This man has made unexpected changes in my life. This man has made me love my self and start to understand how to love others. This man has made me start understanding my family that I couldn't stand nor understand and made me love it. This man has made me from a liar to my self and others to a man who starts to take responsibility of my thoughts and actions. My family is not aware of this thinking, but it unconsciously follows a few of the laws of universe. I couldn't understand a thing because to the question "why?" almost always was an answer "Because so!". But when my mother tried to talk to me, I was blinded with anger and couldn't see the value that was bursting from her mouth out of love for me. This man can help you better understand your self, your family and he can make you love them, even if you are just 10 or 20 years old and everything around you is just bullshit and bad and shit. Listen to what he has to say once more and try to think again about what he is telling us to understand.

I will keep you posted...

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Find your goal

You want to find what you want to be doing. You want to get to your success in your life. You must communicate with your self and not so much with others. You have to receive information from them, but the major conversation has to be going on between you and you. You make your life what it is.
He helped me, he can help you.

Monday, 23 February 2009

How to improve your self esteem and health

How to improve your self esteem and health? Is this the question, that is hunting you lately? Here I have a solution for you. It may seem a bit exaggerated, but it works if you just try it. So, the first thing we will be looking at is self esteem, because it's a very important subject related to our health.

How to improve your self esteem?

Firstly remember, that if you see your self very self-critically it's not a bad thing,but you must see your self that way only when you are practicing. When you are in practice you have to be the worst one, who needs to work more, more and more, but when you feel ready and you think you have finished your training, and you are ready to do what you have been training for the last few days, months, years, you have to believe, that you are the best of all, don't say it, but believe it, but remember, that you can't bring anyone down with, that, because then you will loose valuable energy. So just believe, that you are the best and no one can stand in your way. Know, that you are the best in anything you are going to do, if you have prepared. If you haven't prepared and you feel like you have no chance to even start competing with others, then don't! Compete with your self even if others think, that you are competing with others. Just do it for fun or to improve your skills. You won't believe, the results you will experience, when you do that, and your self esteem will skyrocket, but don't overdo this, because we all are unique and we all are magnificent and we all are the best in something, so if you bring someone down because of your self esteem, then just try to be more polite, but inside of you, you must know, that no one can even start competing with you, because you are invincible in what you are doing and what you want to be doing.


While in training process - you are the worst in anything and you have to keep training forever. When you are doing the thing, what you have been training for, you are the best and invincible in what you do, but keep it to your self.

How to improve your health?

Now this subject I have already mentioned before, but there is more to that. Except what I mentioned in the post called "Why do we become ill and how to get out of it" i talk about the attitude you are in and the vibration you set your body in and what is illness in general. Now I want to talk to you about how to prepare your self to be healthy forever and forget about medicine at least for such things as cold and cough. And if you really understand this concept, then I firmly believe, that you won't ever need any medical care except may be for a cut or a fall or a broken bone... But not ever a disease.
Firstly, you have to understand, that illness is a sign, that your body is giving you, to understand, that you are not thinking properly. If you don't think properly, you don't do things right, if you don't do things right, you lose energy, if you lose energy, your immune system starts to get weak and let's a virus inside your body. Then it starts to counterattack the virus and you feel sick. So if you change your thinking (for ever not for that day or moment, but you make it know, that the change is permanent) you change your actions, if you change your actions, you improve your immunity, and if that receives the support, then your illness goes away like it was never there. (It works if you just DO IT ALL THE TIME AND MAKE IT A HABIT.) Secondly you have to think about the state of your health, that you want. For example, you have a really serious disease. Doctor is shaking his head and nothing good could com out of this... YOU CAN CHANGE THAT JUST IN 1 SECOND! You start thinking about the good health state that you have experienced at childhood or seen other having. You have to think about the end result - your sound health. It's one of the riches, that have to be achieved in everyone's lives. You have the power, because, you set the vibration you are in and you say your body what to do and how to act. So start taking responsibility about your body and don't blame the weather or other ridiculous reasons for you being sick. YOU AND ONLY YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE END RESULTS OF YOUR ACTIONS - getting sick. Thirdly if you feel like you can't do anything about it and you are drowning in the bad feelings, your body is feeling while you are ill, then it's a good idea to take medicine for that moment, so you can start concentrate on the things, that really caused the illness and you correct that part in your brain for ever. And you will be able to say good bye to many medicament for ever. You just won't be able to get sick, because you will give all your energy to your immunity and you will be able, to control your health for ever, if you do it at least once. So try it - you don't have anything to lose, after all you start with getting rid of a annoying cold or something like that in the beginning.


Change your thinking. Select thinking about the positive end results you want to achieve. It works not only for your health. Feel the feelings of being in a sound health and stay there in your mind for the rest of your life. Feel your self good every day even if you need to force your self to do that in the beginning. You won't regret that.

Stay sound and keep your immunity at 100%.

Sunday, 22 February 2009

My first own video - I can help

Hello! I posted this in youtube and I hope I can help you. Listen and act...

Saturday, 21 February 2009

Might be true

I don't believe in God like a father who is sitting in the sky and watches all we do. I believe, that God is not IN ALL OF US, but GOD IS - WE. I have a feeling, that the man knows what he is talking about and I suggest you to read this information too if you want to know why I'm not fighting parts of religion, but I don't support Christianity and I don't belong to any religion.

Million Mind March

One of my wisdom sources. Don't believe me, don't follow me. Follow us! Use my blog or use the Million Mind March or use books or just start thinking. You will end up with us if you want to live better.

Friday, 20 February 2009

A man never tells you anything until you contradict him.

A man never tells you anything until you contradict him. That's so true. It's the quotation of the day. George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) said it to help people to create master minds, but it still didn't helped. Let's hope, that it will now. If you are afraid of what will somebody say about something you are going to do, then contact them and talk to them. Don't expect negative results, but instead start it with a positive conversation and most likely the person will respond not as usual. You might even get not only a positive respond, but even a good helper, who will help you every way he can. So if someone dear to you might say something bad about your idea, then contact him and try to be positive and tell them everything. It takes courage, but it comes back twice as good. Just take the first step and be courageous enough to start marching towards your dreams.

Be your self and try to find out more about you.

Thursday, 19 February 2009

Courage to do it...

Today I want to talk to you about courage. If you have successfully completed all the steps, that I mentioned about, then you must do the ALMOST LAST THING TO DO. You have to make everything happen with positive energy. That means you have to let everyone know what you are about to do and make them feel, that you are doing it for you and you want only good. Then you have to gather strength to be courageous and look in the eyes of all the things, that are holding you back from your dream. That may be parents, that may be your fair, that may be anything, that makes you worry about something and feel not sure about your self. You have to KNOW, that YOU KNOW and you have to KNOW, that you CAN. These are very important steps, because they are the hardest ones. Because you don't have only 1 mind to argue with (which you by the way now better then anything else), but now you have a lot of minds, that you don't have a clue how to communicate to and you have to bring over the thought and take a stand and KNOW, that YOU KNOW.
Face your fears and don't fear them. They will eventually fall of. Napoleon said: "I see only the goal, the obstacle must give way!" and that's so true. You have to direct your thoughts towards that and do real thinking to understand what it means, because I put it really short. You have to THINK AND GROW RICH.

Nothing is out of reach when you reach for it...

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

I don't have experience

"I can't do X because I don't have experience..." - wrong!

Today I'm going to show you a video about experience. Now firstly the video is too harsh, but the idea is ok...

Now remember what I said about "I can't" just bury those words. They are the biggest lie in the world... Go to Bob Proctors Freedom series and listen all of his audio recordings. In one of them you will hear about what is experience and what is knowledge and how do you know that you know... Go ahead it's on the right of my blog in the Friends list... Join Bobs program and get all the help you can get to learn how to really open your eyes and live your dreams...

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Why do I do this for free and a quick lesson

Pay it forward. You see you must help others in order to receive help you have never thought possible. Watch this video and you are going to receive more than you ever thought possible. Remember helping is doing something that others can't do on their own. PAY IT FORWARD and you are going to get rewarded...

Many of these videos come from the Million Mind March. So if you like what you see here, then go on join the Million Mind March. The site is listed in my friend list. Don't hesitate and don't second guess, DO WHAT YOU FEEL DOING and you will be rewarded.

Mental and physical health are connected

Believe it or not, our physical health is a direct reflection of how we think. If you feel bad, then you are thinking wrong thoughts and they go to wrong thoughts and actions. So your body is giving you a signal by saying: "I don't feel so good...". Actually you just have to shift your thinking and you'll be back on your feet and feeling like you have never been sick or felt bad. Watch this video and continue to grow...

Monday, 16 February 2009

If these words are just words - you need help...

If you think that this is luck, think again! He did what he WANTED TO DO and had HIS VISION AND DREAM before him. HE DID WHAT HE FELT LIKE DOING. He didn't ever graduated, but STARTED 2 WORLD WIDE KNOWN HIGH CLASS COMPANIES with "no experience". So listen to your heart and you will be as humble and big one can get at the same time.

Write this in your heart and life!

If you think you can't do something...

If you think you can't do something, then think again. There always is more to you than you think. I have tested it on me and It's 100% true. Watch this video and understand, that you can give up only when you have nothing left. Only then you have put enough energy into it and most likely only then your desire will take form and manifest before your eyes and other will stand in amazement before you. You can more than you think, so start thinking harder! And DON'T QUIT ON ME!
Ok that's a film... Not reality... Then watch this...

My books are water; those of the great geniuses are wine—everybody drinks water.

This makes me think. We all think, that we have to be geniuses to write books that are wine and not water. How many of us have ever read "wine books". Ok some of us have, but most of us (I'm guessing 97%) haven't so why do we all think, that we have to write a wine book, when we could write a water book and earn money because all of us read water books? The idea is, that you should never tend to write, say, do or think, that other are expecting from you. You are the master of your life, don't let others control your life, even if the influencers are your parents, because no one can be better in being you than your self. So stop listening and obaying, but start listening to your self and start acting upon your wishes. Open up your mind ant start living!

I know that there is something significent about you, the world has never seen. Show your self to the world and receive your birth right - being rich. (For those who read this blog the 1. time, rich constitutes 12 things, where 11 are mental and the last 12. is money.)

Sunday, 15 February 2009

How do I keep my self on track?

Often when you have been working on you for a good while let's say a few months, then you find your self back in the deep hole that you where in before. It's just a bit brighter and you can see the way out, but you feel too lazy to do anything, because the knowledge of what is happening makes it easier to understand and therefore to overcome and feel good in the same place your at right now.
If that's the case, you have to start reactivate your self and start DOING. It's really hard and most of us are not able to get up and start doing. They just sit back and relax and hope for the better. Now that's wishful thinking... You should try to at least take part in a program, that offers passive income by renting something from you. Some good opportunities will be listed in my blog and the title of the list will be "Your passive income".
Sub-question: "Why are you writing so much about earning money and not so much about all the other things?". It's easy. Only when you are free from the negative influence of not having enough money, you can start thinking correctly to update your life in all other aspects. That's why people stupidly tend to think, that if you have money, then you have made your life perfect and afterwords don't understand why aren't things going so well? They are even rich and still unhappy.
Start thinking and acting to earn money and then you will have enough job to do, to make your life wealthy.

Saturday, 14 February 2009

A way to prepare someone for change

Hello and welcome to my blog spot again. Today I'm going to tell you about how to prepare someone for your change. The first thing you have to know and understand is that you are forcing all your closest people and everyone who you know and/or are in contact with to change.
If you are alone with your own thoughts and you are creating changes in your mind and habitual ways of being and fighting with your x factors, then people around you feel, that something is changing and now their x factor starts to scream, because they are not ready for the changes you are making to you, even if they want you to change to the direction that you are heading.
Now you have to understand that if the other person doesn't know all this that I'm saying, then he will put up a fight. You must understand and forgive as you are the one who is forcing something that they are not ready to do. Anyway It's not a bad thing to do when you have changed, to explain what happened and that It's only for the better.
But to prepare someone is easier than starting to change your self. You have to be available and open minded before you go in your changing chamber. You have to show them that you care about them and that you are taking responsibility about your actions and promises. You have to gain their reliance and respect. Afterwords you have to tell them, that there is something going to change and you want it so, but it's for the better for all. And you have to inform them, that it's nothing personal and you just need time on your own to think and be alone for a while. Then you can start the change, but be careful, because people are not able to take it if they are not trained. You have to understand what's happening to accept it and let it happen. Your X factor makes you go crazy.

Think 80%, talk 1%, do 19%. The magic formula for success in this kind of thinking...

Thursday, 12 February 2009

New turn in my blog

Hello and welcome to my blog! Today I have for you an announcement. I won't be writing my blog every day any more. I need this time to create my own MSI's and start acting on my plans, so I won't be able to write every day, but so you are not overwhelmed when I post let's say 4 posts in 1 date I will schedule the posts 1 post for 1 day. So don't be surprised when you don't see everyday a new post. Just com back tomorrow and the next post will be waiting for you with new juicy information for you to learn.

What is MSI and why do I need it?

Hi! Today I'm going to speak with you about MSI's and why do we need them. Yesterday I was listening to Bob Proctors Freedom series (which by the way you absolutely must get and hear your selves) about MSI. MSI stands for Multiple Streams of Income. That means you can and even must create multiple streams of income if you want to be wealthy. Now the first thing you have got to understand is, that MSI's are not another job or a job in general. It's a passive income that you have created for you. May be you can write a book about something you like very much and know about. May be you create a service, that you don't have to run your self. You can start a business with not even knowing how the actual work is done. You create a place for someone who knows and he will work for you because you showed your willingness to work for him - create a job for him. MSI is something, that can change your life for ever if you get it right.
Now every MSI has to be as a baby to you in the begining, you must think about all aspects of it and don't forget to start acting on it. You have to create the actual roduct and test it. Give it enough time to be tested, because it's lik a seed - it needs a time period of incubation. You can only guess how long will it take, but as I tought you, time is relative and you can be wrong in your guessings. If you really want this MSI to run, then it must be a good deal that you would and even can use your self, and you absolutely must be enthusiastic about it and love what you do. If these 2 things are true about your MSI, then it's not a matter of question if, but it's a matter of time when your MSI will star earning you a passive residual income. Think about it for a while and then start acting on it... Remember there is no luck! There are only the right or wrong decisions.

Keep thinking and grow mentaly rich to receive all you deserve in your life! Because "YOU WHERE BORN RICH" /Bob Proctor/

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

All that I am my mother made me

Today's quotation made me think about education. Not about the education in schools or anything like that, but about the education, that our parents give us starting from our first breath. They load into us the big lie about lack and disabilities, diseases and other things that are created only from our fears and exist only because we think about them (fear or like or want or don't want we think about it...). Our parents by trying to save us from making mistakes make us think and believe, that nothing is as easy as it seams. May be not for them, but if a kid can see, that math is easy for him, then he shouldn't start thinking, that it's hard. You become what you think about.
Instead of thinking positive thoughts people keep planting seeds of lack and negative thoughts in their and their children minds. As a result 97% of population is poor more or less. People, who are rich, where brought up in rich thinking families and they don't see or think about lack or poverty. They see the future of their own and make it reality.
I know, that people you are saying it's hard to learn how to think in a new way when you over 40 or 60, but your children are not so old, and maybe your grandchildren are capable of making their own fortune and even help you afterwords. You can make a difference in their and as a result in your own life. You must give to receive.
Ron Corbin in one of his videos said an idea from Napoleon Hills book "A year of growing rich", and he said the thought like this: "In order to receive more money get more value. In order to give more money give more value.". You don't give someone money so they could start a normal life. almost 80% would spend it foolishly and stay poor, but 15% wouldn't take your money and 5% would try to lead them selves to success, but they 99% fail, because they don't think properly to stay wealthy.
Here is what I'm suggesting:
  1. Tell your children to think positively;
  2. Teach them to see things easier and don't say the words "I can't";
  • Actually I can't means I don't want to. And that's not necessary a bad thing. If someone doesn't want to do something then he shouldn't. Ok there you will say, that "My children have to obey me, so I can protect them and they have to clean their rooms and bla bla bla...". Actually if a kid is not pressed to do anything, but only receives suggestions, that sound lika good ideas to do, they obey and not you, but them selves. So by pushing them to do that, you only give them permission to ignore the fact, that he hates an untidy room. So don't push things that are natural.
Try to think a level higher. You can do it!

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

About the previous post...

Right now I work in a school as a technical supporter. I received an e-mail, that Adobe Reader isn't working there. Actually she had to press "Accept" and open the file, but she wrote, that it isn't working. I said it to her, but instead of thanking me about the information she actually said that It' s mo job to press this one button. To that I replied: "Not really..." and was working with the other computer that had serious problems. As a result she even asked me my name and said that she is going to call anyone else except me next time, because I would be unmannerly. She actually thought, that only because she es older than me and her husband is a minister in this country, that she could say anything and everyone has to agree with her. As a result I got to think about her and all the time again negative thoughts popped up in my mind. And then I realized, that if you understand things too quickly then the universe likes to double check you. And I feel a little defeated, because I didn't see it when it was happening... Learn from this experience and try not to make the same mistake as I did.

Think and grow rich. Be your self and don't be ashamed about what you do, because your thoughts and actions make you unique and not that you do as others do. You can't do wrong if you do it from heart and not because of emotions...

Overwhelming negative thoughts?

If you find it hard someday to overcome the negative feelings and or thoughts, that are coming to you, then you should just do more practice and this is a beautiful way to do that. You see if you need to overcome 1 bad thought or feeling during the day, you have 1 decision to make so that's ok and the rest of the day goes well, but in situations when it's all overwhelming, then you have the super chance to firstly prove to you, that you can change your mindset and start thinking and feeling positively again and secondly you receive much more at the end of the day than on a easy day in doing this.
Notice, that after a few years it doesn't get easier, but you get used to changing your mindset to the direct opposite and that makes it feel easier.
You have to see this as a test, that you have to pass, if you really want to start living and thinking like this. Remember life is only the way you look at it.

Keep thinking and be your selves...

Monday, 9 February 2009

What's new and why this?

Well hello there! I was brainstorming and my friend Ron Corbin sent me an e-mail about a really good way to make my world and environment a little bit better and cleaner + earn some money with that. And then I got to thinking - how many people would be scared and would not participate because they have some small problems, which they are not willing to solve. So I decided to write this post about how to overcome being afraid and how to do your best in updating your mind and life.
Well the first thing you should do is read my blog and learn how to control your self and your feelings and vibrations.
Then secondly start thinking about whether you really want to do this or that. If you wouldn't mind if it brings some cash then first you must re-read my blog to understand that you mustn't think about what will you get, but you have to think about what can you do to be of SERVICE.
And if you really want to do this thing, then you have to think about ways to make the problems disappear and YES YOU CAN AND EVEN SHOULD ASK YOUR FRIENDS OR LIKE MINDED PEOPLE FOR HELP IF THEY ARE WILLING TO HELP YOU IN GENERAL. If not then you should work on your personality so your relationships improve and you have better chances of receiving support.
If you passed both tests then all that's left is DOING and no more thinking how. You have to BELIEVE IN THE WAY, that will enfold before you as soon as you make the first step. Afterwords you shouldn't look back with being afraid, but learn from your correct actions that brought you this high as you will be if you DO SOMETHING. It's not the business you join, that makes you successful, but It's you who thinks and vibrates properly so that all around you get better as people in general and they receive goods from you. Then you will be rewarded and most likely not from the people who you helped or delivered goods to.

Keep thinking and be your selves! It's hard but It's worth it...

Saturday, 7 February 2009

While I'm away

While I'm away, I will and I hope you too will think about this video and think about that topic. I've been searching for this video for very long to find the best words for you to understand, that you MUST help, but you MUSTN'T press or make others do something. Even if you think It's best for them... Think about your diction (to control others) and try to free your self from it. Don't control others - especially when you haven't even tamed your self... Anyway you should never try to upgrade your life by doing anything that medicine gives you. It's just acid you take to start vibrate positively, but the result is negative, because you get +100 points (let's say) positive vibration, but the acid makes you loose 120 points. So you feel good and better than you where, but actually you lost 20 points... And so on... SO try not to control others, but work with your self! Here is the video...

Keep working and you will receive things you never believed possible...

A small pause

As you know, everyone needs to rest once in a while. So now I have to rest my mind and let it be free from thinking about the blog. It's nothing personal and no I'm not bored writing this blog. I just need a little time with me alone silently and think. After the recharging rest I will be back with a bunch of new ideas and things, techniques to show you.

Remember repetition is the mother of all knowledge so I recommend you to re-read my posts and really start doing all the things you should do...

I promise to be back on 9th of February 2009.

Keep up the good work and go from nowhere - (to) - now here!

Friday, 6 February 2009

A short lecture that can help your friend

This lecture can help you and your friend. How? It's easy, when you hear something you already know and (let's hope) use every day, you repeat that means you have extra repetition to make your knowledge stronger. How does it help your friend? He is hearing this for the first or for the (2-10th) time, but now he needs help, he trusts you and you help him by this lecture. What does he become? He gains your wisdom and the wisdom of others, therefore he makes him self better instantly and his life suddenly gets better, but he doesn't realizes it. You have to help him see that, he got smarter after this video and that he can do anything he want's and all the people who think this way including you support him mentally and that he has to be himself. Remember to remind your friends to do only the things (from what you suggest to them) they want and like. Nothing forced and/or pushed will grow. Only the positive energy can see the light. Only the good can stay. Listen to this lecture and think or meditate.

Find more videos like this on The Million Mind March

Some golden words for you

This is a good inspiration to people who are afraid of being them selves. If you see someone who needs these words, memorize them and say them if you mean it... If you are afraid your self, then It's better if you link your friend to this blog and help him with my help. Let him see this video and help him find him self.

Thursday, 5 February 2009

This doesn't need my comments...

The Doers Creed of Excellence

I hope that Ron won't be mad at me, that I copy this and paste it in my blog, but people, here is what this community (not only Ron or me) is telling you people to open your eyes! To sleep is good, but it's better to be awake when the nightmare starts isn't it? So get up and read this and I don't know memorize it or something... You have to see, that this is THE way of thinking and doing things if you want to be free in your mind and life and your choices. Please join the site mentioned at the end of this post or just click on one of my source and friend links after reading this... It's how they welcome you... The newest ones in this may not see it immediately but they will in time, so don't hesitate join (again it's FREE!). You know, all things in our lives that really matter we get for free:
  • LIFE,
  • LOVE,
  • EXPERIENCE (Ok not fully free, we spend time, but you spend time doing nothing too, so nothing's for totally free right?)
  • etc...
And now I'm giving away a value, for which others have been working for their lives in past, for FREE so take it for God sakes! :)

Read this and then move on to the www.TheMillionMindmarch.com and find your help like I did...

Joe Schroeder wrote this in 1997

By 1999, over one Million People had this in their hearts

Now today, we ask that you share this with your world.

** Works better if you recite this to yourself daily for 21 days.

** Work even better if you have someone speak this into you

And the prayer begins . . ,

I choose to be different because I am an individual and I am proud of that.

I don’t play like others in the “crowd” do.

I don’t go where the “crowd” goes. I am different. I will be understood by the 2% of America and misunderstood, at times, by the remaining 98%. That’s okay because I am part of the fellowship of the 2%. The people who create the positive force that shapes this great country.

Finally, the foundation has been poured. I am a real capitalist and entrepreneur.

I have made my decision and I am now a part of the elite Doers Club and Focus society of free thinkers at Million Mind March.

That helps to define me as a person committed to action! Also, I am a loving family person at home and I won’t ever let up. I love my family and therefore I MUST go beyond my old comfort zone. I will not back away, slow down or ever complain about my mission and decision. I live my life between Amen and achievement. For which I am proud.

I know that there isn’t any other way.

Every step I take from now on, I will create the path for all of those who will follow behind me. That is called servanthood. I am done with small thinking, lack of planning and my past lack of discipline. I have been renewed. No more gossiping. No more cheap excuses. No more shame.

I no longer need validation or applause from anyone because I am self directed and a part of the free thinkers society at Million Mind March.

We walk together and as one and I don’t have to be first.

I don’t have to be heard by all and I don’t care whether everyone likes me or not. Because I now walk in faith.

Which is Gods way of getting me to where I am supposed to be.

I am a team player. I play hard and I pray harder.

I will no longer seek to be in the popularity pool and I will forever hold my vision and faith as an “absolute”. I am me, I am enough and I love myself.

I have my goals written out and my attitude is high. I am a winner, a visionary and a leader. My advisers and counsel are always available to me and I will never be without them again.

I am a good follower which in time, will help to make me a good leader. I am prepared to fight and to pay the price for freedom.

I will mentor _________people my first month here and I will bury the words, “I Can’t” by _______________Date.”

Plus, I will teach my new partners to start the same way that I did. I am a leader and I will not be denied my goal. I will never let up or give up. I know this is true. I will be earning_________ within one year.

I am loyal to this free thinkers society because I am loyal to my team and I am loyal to the team because I am strong and loyal to myself.

Only good comes from my lips and my words heal the pain in the hearts of other people. I speak my world into existence and I am a leader. I know this is true. I will teach the good news of this society and teach the standards and procedures of my fellow partners.

This country really needs me right now. We are all bound by the call of freedom. The Million Mind March will never have a problem recognizing me as one of their own. Join me in celebrating excellence. My world is bountiful.


a Free Thinkers Society of Can Do Artists

The new way of this blog

The title of this blog is going to change. Why? Well first of all The Secret is a commercial undertaking and I'm convinced that this kind of education should be for free. So I'm going to study on my own further and say a big Thank you to "The Secret" community and keep up the good job by paying attention to the Napoleon Hill book which is giving us the same kind of information and the principals are exactly the same. http://www.bizsum.com/articles/art_a-year-of-growing-rich.php Here you can read a summary of the book, but you should get a copy to hold in your hands and read it every day. But you shouldn't read more than 1 chapter a day (and even that's a bit too much for 1 day). The main thing is to understand the idea and concept of way of thinking and then to repeat it as often as possible to make our mind memorize and habituate this way of thinking.

Your mind can bring you anywhere you would like to go, you just have to want it.

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Something new about the problems in our way

This post is going to give you information on how to overcome a hard time in believing this way of thinking and overcome your natural laziness and keep doing what you have started. Remember this post won't help you come over it, it will show you how. Firstly you must answer your self these questions:
  1. Do I feel bad at all?
  2. Do I want to live better (if even a little bit?)
  3. What do I want to do?
  4. Do I like to go to my present job?
  5. What could I do to get the job I want...
  6. How do I want to work?
  7. Do I want to work at all?
  8. Do I have enough friends...
  9. If there is enough support for me in my path...
  10. Ar my closest ones supporting me without understanding me or even understanding me?
  11. Do I want to achieve something?
  12. Is success my goal or My goal is to feel good?
  13. Do I really know what is making me feel bad?
And that kind of questions... If you answer them 100% honest then you should find the answer to the main question - Do I want to continue and guarantee my self a better life or I am willing to just sit back and watch my life go by and think what if.......?

After you have answered this question, then you know what to do. Grab all your new tools of thinking writing and start to regain your results, because doubt is killing a part of your achievement so far... You have to re-enable your self and keep up the good work. Remember "Thinking and good intentions are good, but doing is God". This quotation is the best I could find in today's films which are stating a good message by the way...

Einstein said...

Albert Einstein once said: "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.". So with this I want to say to you, that there is no way to better or improve anything in your life if you don't improve your self. Learn from the wise ones and you will receive a great part of the riches for just being curious.
I encourage you to take advantage from my blog by learning something new about the grate minds in history using the tool called "Quotation of the Day". It might help you as it helped me.

Bless you all and remember be of service and enjoy an abundant life!

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

How to create a plan?

How do I create a plan if I don't have a clue how to do it? Well you just learn about the good or service that you are going to provide as much as possible and it will give you the answer to the 2 questions: "How can I be of service?" and "How do I do that?". You just prepare your self with learning to achieve what you must and that will be rewarded. Listen to Einstein if you don't believe me.

The 5. day for you in your practice

Now you have to prepare your self for this step. We already have done the 3 important steps. So we have chosen how much we want. We know what we WILL do. We know when will we receive the money. Now we have to do the step, that get's it all going seriously. We have to sit down, create a plan how to achieve the goal and start immediately whether you are ready or not. Start doing anything to get the job done. Start working on it and the first step will be done in starting the way to success.

Now this is really important. You have to do it right now!

Bless you all!

Monday, 2 February 2009

All this is for you

All we seek is in these sentences and was with us the whole time, we just have to learn how to understand and use it. These are not just encouragements, these are some of the riches we can just take and use for our better and self improvement.

The 4. day for you in your practice

Well now we have decided how much money we want, what we are going to give or do in return to get the money. Now it's time we set the dead line for the goal. Decide how much time will it take to get this money. But don't forget, that you are guessing at that time when you are deciding. You see, you can't give your self an enormous amount of time to achieve it. You have to set it as short as you believe it can be. And if you don't achieve it on time, then give your self a short extension of the time, but stay focused and concentrated. Concentration gives more energy to the thought that is trying to achieve the goal. So you need to be focused and keep on doing it, because you will be able to achieve it. Did you knew, that Albert Einstein new the relativity theory long before he proved it. You see he knew he was right so he wasn't even trying to believe it, he just knew it and that wasn't a question of belief, but it was a question of time. It took him 10 years of hard work to prove it, but he knew it all along.
What I'm trying to say is - if even the genius Albert Einstein needed 10 years to do it, then don't be frustrated if you don't do it in your first 10 days...

Keep up the good work and bless you all.

Sunday, 1 February 2009

The new title

Why did I change the tittle? The kind of information you get here won't be different. It's just a little bit more advanced than just The Secret. It takes in impact from all the millionaires alive today and already long dead. Great minds and powerful thoughts. It works whether you believe it or not. So I have to make certain that you get as much as possible about this way of thinking. Therefore I changed the title from "How to apply The Secret in your life..." to "Update for Mind". It's shorter and much easier to remember.

Keep up the good work as I do!

Another thing you must do

To make all the steps before and the next steps work, you have to keep up a journal of the good things that have happened to you every day and you must be grateful for that. Then you must get your goal card out and write your goals (1-3) that you want to achieve. Read them frequently and remember, that repetition is the only way to really make your subconscious mind accept the thing you want it to believe. Your mind doesn't know if something is real or isn't. You have to believe you already do or earn or whatever already now. And repeat it to your self all along until you see it in your bank account. If you see it that just means, that you have to rise the bar.
About the gratitude journal. You have to keep it daily and starting this very moment you read this message, because you already have received a good thing from me. A very valuable information for FREE, that can help you to change your life for the better for ever.

Bless you and keep doing!

Learn this from heart

The 3. day for you in your practice

Now that you have enough space for the money you want to receive, you should write on a peace of paper the SERVICES you WILL PROVIDE FOR OTHERS to receive the desired amount of money. Do not count the clients or how much money they have to pay you. Just seek for a service or services you can provide to help others achieve their goals. As I told you vacuum is not ok with nature, so eventually it has to fill your vacuum with rewards. And if you provide services to others the reward will be 100% if not 200%. You have to expect what you ask for and move your ass (that's a technical term by the way) to serve others with your abilities and knowledge.
Don't concentrate on how much you are going to receive from them but seek for people you can help and provide service to. If you really concentrate on improving your self and your services and your own effectiveness you will receive more than you expect. Remember if you don't improve then you are falling back. There is no such thing as standing still. Everything vibrates and therefore has to take a direction forward or backward but certainly it moves.
Now again write on a peace of paper the services you are going to provide and start to improve your self in those things from that moment on. Take up courses and learn new things, create a product that you can sell etc. And then start to advertise your self and offer your services to others. Try to keep the prices low or lower than your competition, but keep the quality higher. You have to understand, that you have to do the same things but with a different mindset and way of expecting things to happen and you have to think properly.

Bless you and continue. Because if you are reading this and doing what I suggest you to do, then you have already woken up and it's no time to get asleep again for no reason.