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Wednesday, 11 February 2009

All that I am my mother made me

Today's quotation made me think about education. Not about the education in schools or anything like that, but about the education, that our parents give us starting from our first breath. They load into us the big lie about lack and disabilities, diseases and other things that are created only from our fears and exist only because we think about them (fear or like or want or don't want we think about it...). Our parents by trying to save us from making mistakes make us think and believe, that nothing is as easy as it seams. May be not for them, but if a kid can see, that math is easy for him, then he shouldn't start thinking, that it's hard. You become what you think about.
Instead of thinking positive thoughts people keep planting seeds of lack and negative thoughts in their and their children minds. As a result 97% of population is poor more or less. People, who are rich, where brought up in rich thinking families and they don't see or think about lack or poverty. They see the future of their own and make it reality.
I know, that people you are saying it's hard to learn how to think in a new way when you over 40 or 60, but your children are not so old, and maybe your grandchildren are capable of making their own fortune and even help you afterwords. You can make a difference in their and as a result in your own life. You must give to receive.
Ron Corbin in one of his videos said an idea from Napoleon Hills book "A year of growing rich", and he said the thought like this: "In order to receive more money get more value. In order to give more money give more value.". You don't give someone money so they could start a normal life. almost 80% would spend it foolishly and stay poor, but 15% wouldn't take your money and 5% would try to lead them selves to success, but they 99% fail, because they don't think properly to stay wealthy.
Here is what I'm suggesting:
  1. Tell your children to think positively;
  2. Teach them to see things easier and don't say the words "I can't";
  • Actually I can't means I don't want to. And that's not necessary a bad thing. If someone doesn't want to do something then he shouldn't. Ok there you will say, that "My children have to obey me, so I can protect them and they have to clean their rooms and bla bla bla...". Actually if a kid is not pressed to do anything, but only receives suggestions, that sound lika good ideas to do, they obey and not you, but them selves. So by pushing them to do that, you only give them permission to ignore the fact, that he hates an untidy room. So don't push things that are natural.
Try to think a level higher. You can do it!

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