Hello and welcome to my blog, that can change your life. (it certainly changed mine.) This blog can provide you with a good advice that can solve your problems, but it can do much more than that. You can change your life for the better for ever. If you want to do so, then feel free to read any post and try to learn from it. Contact me for more information and encouragement. Good luck and thank you for coming.

Sunday, 15 February 2009

How do I keep my self on track?

Often when you have been working on you for a good while let's say a few months, then you find your self back in the deep hole that you where in before. It's just a bit brighter and you can see the way out, but you feel too lazy to do anything, because the knowledge of what is happening makes it easier to understand and therefore to overcome and feel good in the same place your at right now.
If that's the case, you have to start reactivate your self and start DOING. It's really hard and most of us are not able to get up and start doing. They just sit back and relax and hope for the better. Now that's wishful thinking... You should try to at least take part in a program, that offers passive income by renting something from you. Some good opportunities will be listed in my blog and the title of the list will be "Your passive income".
Sub-question: "Why are you writing so much about earning money and not so much about all the other things?". It's easy. Only when you are free from the negative influence of not having enough money, you can start thinking correctly to update your life in all other aspects. That's why people stupidly tend to think, that if you have money, then you have made your life perfect and afterwords don't understand why aren't things going so well? They are even rich and still unhappy.
Start thinking and acting to earn money and then you will have enough job to do, to make your life wealthy.

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