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Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Problem with people who use your pocket?

Well first of all I have always told you, that It's not bad if someone is trying to use you, because that means, that they officially admit, that you are stronger than they are in their opinion. That means, that they give a grate part of their energy to you and therefore your actually become stronger than they are, because they give away their own power to you. The result is simple, you have more energy and therefore they need more from you. Because of the fact, that human needs are always increasing, they will need more and more until they have eventually not only emptied them selves but start to destroy you. And then it starts to get seriously bad for you... Until that time they are only adding to your energy and supporting you. So one way to operate with them is, just to keep them in small bursts at a time. Don't keep them all the time around you. Meet them once in a while, preferably when you feel ok, but you could use some extra energy.
There is another sort of people who use others. They just need the other person to give them money and they are willing to almost anything to get the bit of cash from you. In such cases you should set up a bookkeeping how much did they got from you and then you could send them a bill showing that you ask the money back and you were so kind not to sum the fee for the credit... But in that way you might not only not get anything back, you might even loose a good friend. So here is what I suggest you do. Never give them any of your money just like that. Help them earn it! If you don't have a company or you can't in any way give them a job, at least make them take out your garbage, so that they get used to earning your help, your money, your smile, to learn that for everything you have to pay, and money is not the only way to pay for things... Usually if they are just creatures of sucking and keep sucking the money out of you, they are not really friends and if you do as I suggest, then they won't keep in contact with you at all any more... Remember you are not a charity institution, you are a person who is learning how to control your life, your income, your results, your feelings and how to communicate with the world better, but that doesn't mean, that you have to allow others to inflict any kind of damage to you in any way.
Another (harder, but better) way to get rid of such kind of people is to point out the things you really like in them in your mind and actually to them in words. The result will be stunning. They will mostly become to you what you perceive them to be, and if they are not in the same thought (vibration) as you are, the universe will not set you in the same time space. They will "zig" while you "zag"... They will not be available or you will be out with your friends, probably telling them what a nice person that parasite is... The goal is to direct positive thoughts and energy to you as much as possible and that will keep you away from the bad side of that person. You see everything has 2 or even more sides. You choose at which side to look. It's best to choose to see only the good, because that gives energy to the good side of anything or anyone you look at and leaves less for the negative side of it...

Keep up the good work and don't forget - the things you train most will become stronger and those you don't use will die in you. So stop training beliefs like "I can't do it. I'm not sure if I can. I'm just not cut out for this." and start training beliefs, that implicate the opposite of it! Your mind makes things real!

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