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Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Relationship and awareness

Hi my friends. I haven't been updating this blog for I while because I was doing some research to answer a question I received almost a week ago. It was about relationships and why are things happening as they are happening. After this person told me the problem I immediately understood why it is happening, but I couldn't teach that person why it was happening. So I went back to my table and my google.com and my brain listening tightly to my self to find the answer. For about 5 days nothing happened, but then I got the glimpse of the universal intelligence and I started to remember things I just needed to unleash the reason why are things happening the way the where for that person. And that gave me some extra knowledge and understanding and lifted my awareness for another level. As some doctor once said - "You don't understand it if you can't explain it to others..."
You see that person was in love with someone, but the problem was, that she felt like he is using her for her money and had no interest what so ever in her as a person. But she on contrary was in over her head in love with him. I think I must mention, that she is older than he is and so the difference is still big while they are young. So he has like this wild hair - thinks only about how to be cool and/or about him self. But inside he kind of likes that older girl. She holds some kind of fascination about her self. So he is trying to regularly find a reason why to be with her. She on the other hand is just waiting for him to come over at any given time. So what's the problem you might ask. You see they can't be together, because their frequencies don't match.
The only thing, that controls the frequency you are in is thoughts. They match when they think, that they can't get each other and they match when they sit at home and think about each other, but when they meet they firmly believe, that it's not possible for them to be together as where the boy thinks, that the girl is not even interested in him or he doesn't care (because he actually is afraid to loose her). So the result is this pushing back and forth and not getting any end result. Nor bad, nor positive. That is what I call being stuck in your own negative thinking, that is keeping you from what you want to achieve. Isn't that a little dumb? I think every one would agree. But think about this for a moment. If you agree on this, then why are you not a millionaire? You don't want to be? I have never met a person who really wouldn't like to have the money they want...
People tend to criticize everything they don't understand or agree with. Instead of asking and researching why are people acting in a certain way and not make your own mistakes in the same area, we criticize them to build up our self esteem, because it is low. No one who has a high self esteem criticizes any one.
But back to the problem. Now you see, that they both desire to be together in some way. They both put their energy, that matches at the maximum for them not to be able, because they think, they can't be together and they both spend the maximum of their energy for them to be together, because it is what they both want in some way. That brings you at 0 point, that doesn't lead you in any direction. And it is not good, because it tends you to say by to your want and go on living with out it as it is hard to keep wanting, that you don't believe you can get. You see there is a difference between wishing and being ready to receive what you wish for. And the difference is to believe you can acquire it. That is their problem. They are not aware, that they can get whatever they say they want. So they lack the awareness and that's why they can't get together.
The results are dependent only, and I mean every thing in your life, upon your level of your awareness. If you are not aware, that you can and how you can, then you are not able to get it. For example, if you are not aware of how to use your keyboard and your mouse, how do you use a standard PC?
In this example I didn't only show you the awareness thing, but I show you, that everything is already there, you just have to be aware, that the PC is on your desk, and how to use it to get the most out of it. The same thing here, you have to aware, that the other person is there and waiting for you. You have to be aware, that you can acquire anything you truly believe you can get and start getting emotionally evolved with this thought and this fantasy and this person you want and this life style and this feeling it self - what you feel while fantasizing about all the goods you want. In other words you have to keep your self to getting the same emotions what you feel fantasizing about your goals every day, so your vibration will be in the same frequency as are the things you dream about.
So again easy steps for you to practice:
  1. Write on a card what you really want
  2. Read it as much as possible out loud throw out the day.
  3. While reading try to feel these good feelings you feel when you fantasize about the good you want.
  4. When you fantasize, try to search for the feeling of already having what you want.
  5. Believe you can get it and opportunities will come your way.
Your job is to see the opportunities and act on them. Never lie to your self or to others. Remember lying is killing your dreams and if you don't tell the whole truth - it's lying too.

So keep up the good work and I hope I could help and explain you, that the results you get in your life is only the level of your awareness and that the problems we have we have to solve inside of us and nowhere else. And why are things happening the way they are... :)

Hope to hear from you guys any time soon to answer your next questions. And if you read this blog for the first time, then feel free to send me a question of your own. I will answer it here and don't worry, your name or any other personal information, that could point to you will not be shared what so ever...

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