Hello and welcome to my blog, that can change your life. (it certainly changed mine.) This blog can provide you with a good advice that can solve your problems, but it can do much more than that. You can change your life for the better for ever. If you want to do so, then feel free to read any post and try to learn from it. Contact me for more information and encouragement. Good luck and thank you for coming.

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

What do I do if I'm worried?

My favorite question. I have answered to this question several times before, but still I keep getting the same question all the time from people who I try to help. Well I figured It can't hurt if I write another post about it.
Well first of all remember that everything in the world goes by a law and no other way. If x then y. A simple but hard to get idea. Every thing you say, feel and think has huge power in your reality (your life). If you think about your surgery or your last exam with worry, then most likely you won't get good results or you might even hear some bad news. In that kind of situation you just have to understand, that anything, that can be said to you about your status is a way of looking back in your past and see what you have been thinking a week, a month or even a year ago. It's never the current reality. The results you keep getting are the results of the person you where not who you are now. We all understand that if we are good, people will tend to be good to us. Why don't we get that if you keep thinking good thoughts and keep seeking for the opposite of the negative thoughts in your mind - we get rewarded. And I mean richly rewarded! Worry is for self destructing people who don't know better and are ignorant of the laws of the universe. We all consist of 1 thing - energy. We all are the same. And yes I mean black, white and whatever color people we all are the same! The body is our temple and it looks, feels and is as we think of it and how we take care of it not only physically, but mentally too. Your physical body needs food. Your mind needs positive food too! So stop poisoning your mind with negative thoughts and start fantasizing about the opposite of every of your worry! I guarantee you will not only feel better, but the results you will start getting in life by doing the things you want and did all the time, will be astonishing. Your life is not a game! Start acting upon your good thoughts and kill the bad thoughts with finding the opposite of them. There is a grate law - the law of polarity. It tells us, that everything, that has a beginning has an ending and every bad thought has a good thought etc. Understand that you are in charge of your own life! You have to take responsibility about your thoughts actions and your health as a result! If you have any questions please feel free to ask and I will try to answer them in my next posts!

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