Hello and welcome to my blog, that can change your life. (it certainly changed mine.) This blog can provide you with a good advice that can solve your problems, but it can do much more than that. You can change your life for the better for ever. If you want to do so, then feel free to read any post and try to learn from it. Contact me for more information and encouragement. Good luck and thank you for coming.

Saturday, 31 January 2009

Grate words to convince others

Might be useful for you if you try to convince others, who can reason as all who know and habituate this way of thinking, to help you realize and materialize your dream if they see the spark in your eyes and you are ready to do anything it takes to fulfill your dream and their hopes on your business.

He is older than you can think, and he says the same

If in any time every genius mind says exactly the same then why do we neglect this information? What good we think will come out of neglecting the correct way of thinking and why do we chose not to learn about it, but use it unconsciously and risk of doing many wrong things by using this grate power that's given to us. Why do we like to have lack, limitation, poverty and lots of other evils. Listen to his words and wake up!

The 2. day for you in your practice

Well you kind of did this already before, but now you have to consider a few things before doing it again.

The main thing you again have to do is to think of what you really want. Let's say of how much you want to earn. Have this really clear in your mind and write it down. But before you do that, you should consider a ridiculously high amount of money so it seems impossible. After that you should lower it to an amount that you know that someone has earned and you really would like to earn that much, but it still has to be something, that you could not imagine earning right now and how to achieve it. After that you should sum your now real everyday expenses and that amount of money you would like to earn. Then you have come to the real number that you want and it's small enough for your psyche to believe it's possible for you and so it doesn't let your mind with doubts. Then to make it easier for you go to the free web address http://www.thesecret.tv/the-secret-check.html and print this check. Write the amount of money in that space and write your currency, as well as sign and date it. Put it in your pocket and look at it like to a real check and feel the feelings like you already have that amount of money in your bank account. Then thank for it and expect it to become a reality in near future like 2 or 3 days from now.
With doing this you make space in your life for the amount of money and you become friends with money instead of being afraid of it. What to do with this space and how to correctly fill it you will read in the next day post, but remember, that nature doesn't allow vacuum to exist in natural way. It always fills with something, and usually with the same crap you just cleaned out. So don't stop cleaning till you read how to fill it.

Bless you and keep up the training!

Friday, 30 January 2009

A great message that you should hear

A short story with an advice

Once, a man named Joe and his little girl were crossing a wooden-bridge in Tarrytown, New York.

Joe was kind of scared so he asked his little daughter, "Sweetheart, please hold my hand so that you don't fall into the river."

The little girl said, "No, Dad. You hold my hand."

"What's the difference?" Asked the puzzled father.

"There's a big difference," replied the little girl.

"If I hold your hand and something happens to me, chances are that I may let your hand go. But if you hold my hand, I know for sure that no matter what happens, you will never let my hand go."

In any relationship, the essence of trust is not in its bind, but in its bond.

As you may already know, over the last 40 years of Bob Proctor's life he's been holding people's hands and leading them step-by-step across the bridge to a life of richness and success.

If you allow him to hold your hand... he promises to keep your faith and lead you to a world of insane wealth and prosperity.

Click here to find out exactly how he'll be holding your hand and leading you step-by-step to the other side of the bridge: http://store.sixminutestosuccess.com/?aid=587290



An apology and an advice

I stand corrected. I heard another Bob Proctor lecture and he says, that my given video about Religion is not 100% correct and true. So I will correct it with this post. Religion in it's idea is the right way to live, but remember, no church no priests no what so ever around this built with the hands of people or even the people them selves are not the Religion in it's origin. You need to pray, but not to God (which actually is just energy and which you consist of),vbut only to your self. You are the Creator of your own reality and the creator or the over mind or the best thinking mind or God or the collective intelligence or anything you want to call it. We all are part of God etc. So we are unlimited beings. Everything can happen thanks to our prayers to our selves.
Ask and you shall be given. It's true, but it's absurd to think, that you will be given something without giving. You don't expect to be paid for a job you didn't do. So why is it that you await a reward for nothing or just asking or hoping for it? The secret teaches us, that we have to ask for it, but we have to know for how much and what do we do for it in return. We alone and just we are responsible for everything that happens or doesn't. A smart mind once said: "Coincidence is just a way God (You or energy) prefers to stay anonymous.". Isn't that beautiful? And it's very true. So instead of praying and waiting for God to do it, just consider your self a God for you and start creating the reality you pray for. Because you see, you have enormous amounts of energy flowing through you and the vibration you are in (the thoughts you have) are catalyzing each other. In the result your fears or expectations slowly become facts.
So Religion is a smart thing to do if it's for you and not for the business called church or any other way of "serving God". You have to serve your selves. The Bible is a good book for you to read after you understand the secret way of thinking or all the universal laws.

God bless you all and try to understand that this can make you happier and it gives you your birthright to be happy and prosperous.

Thursday, 29 January 2009

Why do we become ill and how to get out of it

The first thing you must understand, that everything is energy. Energy can not harm energy. It can only alter the frequency or shift it or give it a positive or negative vibration. So illness is negative energy. How can you get in negative vibration? The most powerful energy vibration controller is your mind. It changes the vibration of your entire being and let's you even affect others. Then there are things or amulets that can alter your frequency, that can make quiet a big mess or disorder which can cause illness. And then there is stress. Now you have to understand, that actually there are no new disease or virus found. We just got able to see or know about this kind, but there are all the viruses and diseases that are possible already in the air. That's right, you could get almost any illness just from the air. Actually some people don't get ill ever and some are in disorder all the time.
But it all comes down to one point. If you are ill, then It's your fault and nobodies or nothings fault. Only you can allow something to happen to your body, that is the home for your soul. Remember you are not the body you see in the mirror, but you are a soul. The body is just a place to stay. So if your home is damaged and/or needs to be repaired what do you do? You take matters in your own hands and take care of the problem till it gets bigger and bigger and then you call a specialist who makes it all right again. Now about your body It's something like that. Only the specialist are you and the amateur is any doctor. Let's see for a while why is it so.
You see the doctor is a high quality bandage for a big cut in your finger, but you are the only one who can heal your self. So if you are too weak to get the problem solved in your mind, then go to a doctor, but you have to understand, that no one can heal you except your self. No medication can do such a great deal of healing as your thinking. If you are energy, then you have a concept how to vibrate and how and with what particles to stay together. That's why a physical form can even exist. Now you have a problem somewhere inside of your body. Let's say it's a serious cold. Now It's all stress caused by your own thinking, that allows to influence your body by picking up thoughts from all around you. The result is your cold.
You see, you can change that, but it can't be done like this: "Oh! I get it. Now I will change it. I will be fine and dandy tomorrow." Unfortunately you have to change your thinking in order to correct what you have done incorrect. You already know, that your emotions show you if you are on course or off course, the illness shows you what or with what did you do the wrong thing. So let's say your throat is red and hurts. It's because you said or thought something incorrect and still kept thinking, believing or doing the same things. You see if you think or believe, then you do. So almost always you get sick because of your actions. That's why people tend to believe, that they got sick because of something they did or something happened. Actually they got in a negative energy vibration and sustained the frequency so that it made their entire being vibrate in this negative way and cause the illness.
How to get out of illness? It's easy to say, easy to know easy to do, but hard to do it till the end and keep doing it. You have to know what you like. Let's say you like some kind of music. Feel that vibration and your feelings. And then try to make everything around you to be like that good feeling. Remember everything around you really changes only if you change your self. Most of the time Reframing helps. (Reframing is without changing the circumstances to change your attitude.) But sometime you have to not visit or be in the places where you can't change anything. (It's the question of how ready and advanced you are in this kind of thinking. There is nothing you can't do It just takes time and practice.) Remember! Know what you like and also know why is something happening. Anything that is in your life is the things you have predominately thought about and that's what you are getting more of right now. So never blame others, but ask what am I doing wrong!? Then change your self and everything around you must change because of the universal law. The result will be good health and better relationship with everybody. Now think about that.

If there is something you don't get or something is written in a way you can't follow the idea, then please comment and I will edit the post.

Bless you all!

A good way to shift your energy

In order to shift your energy you have to thank for things you have, for things you will have and help others if they need it. And here I have a wonderful idea for you. So you don't sit alone in Sweden or Poland and read this and think that you will keep this information for you only for your benefit only. You should redirect others to this blog and help them understand what's written there. You shift your energy if you provide service and not for improving your life by thinking that if others don't know this, then they won't be in your way. Actually sometimes It's even the other way around. If they don't understand why are you doing something, then they can react really strongly to that and it can get very much in your way. Than closer the person is than bigger the distraction. So instead of making the same mistake as the old ones did and lost almost everything, do the right thing and shift your energy by helping others to make this world a better place, but don't forget you have to start from the man in the mirror.

Bless you all and keep practicing!

Another source for you to read good material.

I made this blog and today I saw in my Google Ads an internet address called http://www.the11forgottenlaws.com/ and this shows the Law of attraction in an very easy and primitive way. I made a blog about it and it keeps coming to me. So read this one and get smarter faster and faster and please comment my blog or even write to me by writing to valdis.licis@gmail.com and I would love to answer your questions. I'm a beginner in this, but I'm a beginner with results in it. So I would love your help and may be you are more advanced than me and you may help me writing the blog better for those who are starting new to this.
Anyway if you are a master or a beginner then write to me and I'm sure we will find a way to make a cooperation in helping each other.

Good luck and remember habituate ways of being and thinking. Make it easier for your children to live in success and raise them with these teachings, so they keep doing the things they should be doing because they are free.

Bless you all!

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

1. Advice to do for the 1. day

When you begin at Bob Proctor to learn the habitual way of living in success, the 1. thing he tells you about is that you have to set your self a goal. Think about it seriously and set a huge goal for your self to achieve. Then he says, that you should ask your self 4 questions:
  1. What Inspires you?
  2. What do you really want?
  3. What thing(s) do you not like that you need to stay away from?
  4. What thing(s) do you not like that you can make a habit, because it will help you become successful?
Afterwords try to manage your actions. Try to plan your actions so, that you never think or do anything related with the things you mentioned in the 3. point. Then you make all those things that you mentioned under the 4. point a habit and never think about them again, but just do them.

Why did you have to answer the 1. and 2. question? Well that's easy. You have to know what makes you feel good. And nothing makes you feel better than a good and positive inspiration. To reach any goal you have to know what do you really want?

So try this and remember to read these answers after a wail and look if you have improved your actions. It definitely will improve your ability to succeed.

Good luck and bless you all.

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Another super way to apply it in your life!

I just found a great way to get closer to "The Secret". There is actually a training program for that too. Bob Proctor from the film is giving lessons every day for you to practice and make it real in your life. So for those who won't take the "risk" to give in your credit card information, I have given them permission to my bank account because I believe them. Call me crazy but we all make our own decisions and I feel that this is my 1. own good decision in my life I've ever made. I'm starting to take my life in my own 2 hands. I will keep you posted on how my life develops and all details will be free available here, but remember, whatever I write It isn't that powerful and impacting as it is when you listen to Bob Proctor him self.
I keep you posted, but I suggest you not to wait for me to succeed and then start to get going, but don't wait for me go on and take your life in your hands and make it the way you want it to be. You ow it to you.

Monday, 26 January 2009

How to earn money?

Well try to listen to this video and then ask your self do you understand what they are saying? Translate every word they say and then think of the meaning of it. I know you know English. But do that and you will be surprised. Look learn and do!

and the 2. part

and the 3. part

and the 4. part

You won't beleve...

2 days back from now I found out an astonishing way to get what you want even quicker. Remember, The Secret says, that if you shout out with strong feelings and protest against something, you make it even worse? You can use that to get things even quicker.
Here's the thing. I can't tel you exactly what the thing was, because it could offend someone, but you have to know this, so I'll call it the X thing. I really strongly wanted to get X, but every thing was going exactly the opposite way. Then I did not allow my self to scream out the: "No! I want this! Why isn't it happening!? Again it's not possible... etc.". Instead I just closed my eyes and said to the other person in my thoughts: "Thank you for giving me the X. I appreciate you for that and I want to give you more so that you feel the same too." It took I think 10 minutes till I got the X thing and didn't even awaited it. Because I sent this strong signal out to the Universe and it had to respond with the same power. It's like you throw a rubber ball against a firm wall. It comes back to you almost at the same speed as you threw it. Practice to control your emotions and that will give you 1. a higher level of emotional intelligence, 2. you could get the ultimate speed for making your wishes true. Remember, you have to believe what you wish for, otherwise how could you give 100% energy to things, that you don't believe. In fact if you don't believe some thing could happen or be, then you are taking the energy from it away, so that it can not manifest into your experience.

You had to know this! I'm so happy that I finally got it, but it's only the 1. time I did this. So I have to practice along with you.

Best wishes and blessings!

Saturday, 24 January 2009

An addition for the Religious Secret haters...

Well, here is one person who died last year in august and was one of the worlds most famous comedians who studied a lot and tried to be a Catholic. Here is a good link for you to look and tell me what you think of that. May be he is rude, but you know he's telling 100% truth. Now after this video can you tell me straight in my eyes, that The Secret is Bullshit and God is not? If The Secret (which works for me fine by the way) is bullshit, then what is Religion? Super bullshit or something? Ok that's a quick thought... But I think if I can change my life for better with using The Secret, and I suddenly feel good and can touch the results, then I suppose that God has forgotten about a divine plan for me and the others who get what they want by using the law of attraction. Now fight with these arguments while I find some new for you... :)

Best wishes and bless you all!

Little trainings for you to try.

After the Ph.D article I want you to give some ways of practicing the Secret in your life. First of all let's understand, that The Secret and NLP are related, but they are no the same. You can improve your NLP skills by using The secret and the other way around. So They are just 2 parts you should know. But don't go and pay for courses. It's no use! Remember if people are trying to earn money directly from you, then they are not interested if you get the idea or not. They just get money and using their knowledge make you feel good and smarter, but it can be a false emotion made by the experienced tutor. Just read read read and learn all your self.

Here are some practices from NLP used for The Secret and the other way around.

1. Change others indirectly or REFRAMING.
After a serous fight with your girlfriend or some other bad experience you have, analyze what was wrong, why did this happen. Always think about what did YOU do wrong and not the other person. After that play out the situation in a way that it should be in your mind. Just imagine and hold that image in your mind for some time. Feel the feelings you want in that kind of situations and let it go by just letting it happen. Don't struggle to make it happen and don't make the other person to change them selves. They will change eventually if their frequency match to yours. And if they want to stay with you, then even if their frequency is not the same, they will change it, so you 2 can live in harmony. Remember, that it doesn't matter for what situation you use it. Just try it and please comment me about the results in this post.

2. The magnet.
The next level is to believe in your self. Start to build this up by using the 1. practice and use this one too. Try to imagine a cup of tea or Coffey for the whole day and imagine that someone is offering you to drink it together. And if you see a chance to fulfill your imagination, then do that immediately, because the Universe likes speed, You aether react, or you stay behind. Now don't say it doesn't work for me, or I'm too weak to do that yet. No! You can do it, just be patient and go on trying. After a week some of the strongest ones have their 1. success situations. So take your time and learn how to be patient. Remember to always after a good experience to thank for it in your mind. Remember about the attitude of gratitude.

3. Reaching bigger goals.
If you want to reach let's say a goal 100$ in 1 month additional money to your income. Then tell your wish to others and fill them and your self with confidence, that it's going to happen. It's best if you say when not only to your self (so that you don't get hurt when it doesn't happen) but tell it to everybody. So you feel that you have to achieve it. That is the energy, that will keep you thinking how to do that, and if you start making up ideas 1 of them or even all of them will work for you. And the end result will be convincing enough for you to believe The Secret.

4. Changing your ways.
If you look at your self in the mirror and act as you don't know the person that's looking back to you from the mirror. What could you say about him/her? Try to progress your self every day. "Non progredum est regredum" - means of you don't progress, then you fall back. As simple as that. You have to change your self and become better every day. If you make you better, then the world around you will become better. Let's say for instance you help an old lady to cross the street. You don't await anything from her, but she suddenly gives you a good advice or idea for your business or she will give you her vote, if you candidate after 10 years for president. But don't do that because it will give you credit, but because you want to do so. Otherwise it won't work. Help others and others will help you. Even if they don't know that you have helped others...

Practice those and comment please so that I see what kind of information you all need.

Friday, 23 January 2009

For and about "The Secret" skeptics...

Hi! Yesterday I read an article where a Ph.D (if I'm not mistaken) is telling the whole world that the Secret is not working and is going to brake people, because they will experience nothing but all the same things they already do. They will just change the attitude and that doesn't help to change the way things are.

Well first of all I personally think that this doctor has some problems inside of him self. He must belong to some religion, that makes him hate The Secret so much. And he is in that religion because he is too weak to face the world on his own and therefore needs God to protect and help him. He hates The Secret because they are telling us to believe in our selves and don't wait for the man with the big beard who is watching every thing we do and every thought we have and has 10 things he does not want you to do. Or he will punish you by sending you to hell to suffer and scream and wine, but he LOVES YOU. Now tel me about a good bullshit story! But The Secret is telling to open our eyes and don't follow the church (which by the way is the oldest organized business known in history), but stand on our own 2 feet and control our own life as we want.

This doctor writes "If Satan wrote a book, I am sure he would cite these passages from The Secret. Abiding by such a selfish rule as “tend to You first” will result in neglected children and spouses and in the rapid degradation of families, communities and nations." Personally I think that this text is hilarious. Is he a priest or something? Well first of all The Secret never said that you should neglect your children, they say let them learn and grow and help them become personalities and I don't see any harm in that. And they say, that you shouldn't await from others, that they will give you more, because you deserve it. It is just the way they say. You should give to your self enough to overflow in giving. What is bad if you give things from time to time to your self and then overflow in giving? No harm in this dock...

This person doesn't believe in his own power and therefore is telling other to neglect their chance to get out of hard times in life and start a normal healthy life. You really don't have to worry about problems too much. 80% of problems are solved automatically by coincidences, 10% are non of your business and only 10% is the amount of problems you should consider taking care of. So tell me why is this - "The secret" - inspiration and energy boost bad? Oh i remember, because it's hard!

Well you can't make your self believe that you can fly or become a mermaid (like the doctor says). But has anyone actually convinced him self, that it's possible? I think not, because we are afraid from it. You see, when we come to this world we believe everything and we all are little geniuses, because we accept all and make a discovery every day. Now how many of you have at lest 1 really astonishing discovery every day? I think not much. But in that state of mind or mindset or the secret way of thinking we all are already born. So we can learn abnormally fast and enjoy just the fact that we are living. Show me 1 newborn, who hates his life... Even the cripples or the disabled babies are not unhappy. They don't frown, because they know, that if they want it strong enough, they will live a normal life. This world teaches us to struggle, but not by having difficulties, but by enjoying life and understanding our selves by developing our talents and untapped potentials.

Every new thing is something we all are afraid of. Why is that? I'm a website developer, a musician, an actor and a good son. I know right from wrong and so on... But is there something that is good in any case? I think that someones good is bad for someone else. So there is no 1 way to achieve success. If you watch The Secret and do all exactly as they say, then you must be stupid. You just have to snatch the mindset out of the material and adapt it for YOUR needs. What is wrong in being in an attitude of gratitude? Nothing!

It's always the same. New software? Oh no! Now I have to learn again. It's something new. Sorry no! I don't care it's easier, because it's not the same way I did it all the time. I'm comfortable where I am. And that is called laziness and stupidity.

Many people don't believe in auras and other stuff, they can't touch. But now even the scientists have proven the aura exists. Why don't you believe that you vibrate or things vibrate? The smallest particle quantum is changing it's ways by the energy you give it. If you look negative to a quantum it will change and be ugly. If you look at the same quantum with loving eyes, it will become beautiful and this information again comes from scientists. So, if that is true and we shape the very thing that is being seen by us. It's just a new information you should consider to analyze and think about all they are saying (And you should read skeptics too, because it makes you think. If you believe it or not) and what you can believe.

You should love your selves and you should give goodness to others. So that other can become happy too and they could share the happiness to make the world better. You really have to start from the man in the mirror. Others can not make the life better for you if you don't. Never follow anyone in anything just because you heard or read something. Think on your own and make the decision for you. Nobody can tell you how to be or make you do things you don't want. That is only up to you and YOU only!

Take care and love!

Some good materials and stuff

If you are looking for more to read, All of the books listed here provide invaluable advice for using the law of attraction in all aspects of your life. These books are available for purchase from online retailers.
Claude Bristol, The Magic of Believing

Henry Drummond, The Greatest Thing in the World

Christian D. Larson
The Great Within
How to Be Well
How to Heal Yourself
How to Stay Young
The Ideal Make Real
Leave it to God
Just Be Glad
Mastery of Self
The Mind Cure
Thinking for Results
Your Forces and How to Use Them

Dr Joseph Murphy, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

William Walker Atkinson
Mind Power
Thought Vibration or Law of Attraction in the Thought World

Wallace Wattles, The Science of Getting Rich Free eBook
Charles Haanel, The Master Key System Free eBook

I should point out, that the last 2 are for higher levels Wallace is for Intermediate and Charles is for advanced Secret users.

Now for those who need to get more money and have difficulties in concentrating on it or just want to achieve it easier, then you should print this out and write there all information you want to get from the Universe. Print the check, fill in your name and the amount you wish to receive in your chosen currency, then sign and date it. Place the check in a prominent position where you will see it every day! Every time you look at your check, believe and feel that you have the money now! And that's how to achieve it, but remember tell others (It's best if they are your friends) your goal and the deadline. But the deadline should be believable for you.


Take care! And good luck in reading and visualizing!

Thursday, 22 January 2009

My 1. expiriance with The Secret...

I was living in a world where my parents lived my life and they wanted me to finish university and have the things they did not have, but wanted to have. So they brought me up like I have to be the best in everything I do and If I did not succeed I got punished in one way or in another. I thought I have no way out of it and I would never live like I want to and I would never be happy. And these thoughts made me revolve around the way my life was and I doomed my self to get nothing else but the same and the same problems and bad feeling every day.

Then I realized, that in the university everyone was feeling bad about the way most of the tutors where in relation to them. Everyone felt like shit because of the attitude of the tutors. When I thought about that I'm strong enough to start my own life and take matters in my own hands, I started living together with my old good friend Eric. And he showed me this film "The Secret". First I was amazed, because he was the one I was tutoring about "How to live his life". (By the way it's the worst thing you can do. Because if you have enough energy, you CAN change a person, but it will always hurt the person and YOU. Always remember that!) So he was showing me the film as a thank you for helping him in life. And there it was, the missing peace of my puzzle, that I already did all my 20 years. I studied energy, auras and the spiritual things. I even practiced astral projections. (And yes people it's possible, but I have got to tell you - IT'S REALLY DANGEROUS. You could die only because you don't know how to get back at first moment, because it's dazzling and confusing, but after some practice you are able to go to places where you have never been, but when you get there at least 60% will be exactly the same as you saw while doing the astral projection.) But this simple easy part was missing.

After I got this film I immediately understood the secret and why and how it works, but I was not able to change the way I was thinking. Even now I'm having a hard time to fit me back in the positive side of my brain, because it's smaller than the negative, because I was training the negativity in me, but the positive side was dieing... Well now it's changed, but the main thing is, that I started to learn from the film like I would go to school. And the best tutor in life is this film. Then I even recorded the film in an audio format and recorded it into my mobile phone. Even now while I'm writing this post I'm listening to the secret.

My disclaimer is that you should do as I do, because what's right for me can not be true and right for you. The result is that now I'm living together with my future wife and I feel really good about my self and my life. And I'm now able to change my life as I wish it to be. I recommend you to watch the film and do thinking on your own. And then read all my posts, that I hope will help more and more people. Because you people deserve to be happy! And then more you help other people then more you shift your energy and help your self. When you tutor other, then you actually tutor your self. You have attracted the person so you could understand those things you know better.

I hope this story helped you guys, because not everyone believes what they see on the screen. But I'm an ordinary person with a minimum wage job in Latvia (where the financial crises makes even the president earn less than a junior level IT specialist in England) but since I have started to change my life I have nothing to complain about. I have discovered my unlimited ability to be happy. I suggest you to do the same, because you deserve to be happy!

Best wishes!