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Saturday, 24 January 2009

An addition for the Religious Secret haters...

Well, here is one person who died last year in august and was one of the worlds most famous comedians who studied a lot and tried to be a Catholic. Here is a good link for you to look and tell me what you think of that. May be he is rude, but you know he's telling 100% truth. Now after this video can you tell me straight in my eyes, that The Secret is Bullshit and God is not? If The Secret (which works for me fine by the way) is bullshit, then what is Religion? Super bullshit or something? Ok that's a quick thought... But I think if I can change my life for better with using The Secret, and I suddenly feel good and can touch the results, then I suppose that God has forgotten about a divine plan for me and the others who get what they want by using the law of attraction. Now fight with these arguments while I find some new for you... :)

Best wishes and bless you all!

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