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Friday, 23 January 2009

For and about "The Secret" skeptics...

Hi! Yesterday I read an article where a Ph.D (if I'm not mistaken) is telling the whole world that the Secret is not working and is going to brake people, because they will experience nothing but all the same things they already do. They will just change the attitude and that doesn't help to change the way things are.

Well first of all I personally think that this doctor has some problems inside of him self. He must belong to some religion, that makes him hate The Secret so much. And he is in that religion because he is too weak to face the world on his own and therefore needs God to protect and help him. He hates The Secret because they are telling us to believe in our selves and don't wait for the man with the big beard who is watching every thing we do and every thought we have and has 10 things he does not want you to do. Or he will punish you by sending you to hell to suffer and scream and wine, but he LOVES YOU. Now tel me about a good bullshit story! But The Secret is telling to open our eyes and don't follow the church (which by the way is the oldest organized business known in history), but stand on our own 2 feet and control our own life as we want.

This doctor writes "If Satan wrote a book, I am sure he would cite these passages from The Secret. Abiding by such a selfish rule as “tend to You first” will result in neglected children and spouses and in the rapid degradation of families, communities and nations." Personally I think that this text is hilarious. Is he a priest or something? Well first of all The Secret never said that you should neglect your children, they say let them learn and grow and help them become personalities and I don't see any harm in that. And they say, that you shouldn't await from others, that they will give you more, because you deserve it. It is just the way they say. You should give to your self enough to overflow in giving. What is bad if you give things from time to time to your self and then overflow in giving? No harm in this dock...

This person doesn't believe in his own power and therefore is telling other to neglect their chance to get out of hard times in life and start a normal healthy life. You really don't have to worry about problems too much. 80% of problems are solved automatically by coincidences, 10% are non of your business and only 10% is the amount of problems you should consider taking care of. So tell me why is this - "The secret" - inspiration and energy boost bad? Oh i remember, because it's hard!

Well you can't make your self believe that you can fly or become a mermaid (like the doctor says). But has anyone actually convinced him self, that it's possible? I think not, because we are afraid from it. You see, when we come to this world we believe everything and we all are little geniuses, because we accept all and make a discovery every day. Now how many of you have at lest 1 really astonishing discovery every day? I think not much. But in that state of mind or mindset or the secret way of thinking we all are already born. So we can learn abnormally fast and enjoy just the fact that we are living. Show me 1 newborn, who hates his life... Even the cripples or the disabled babies are not unhappy. They don't frown, because they know, that if they want it strong enough, they will live a normal life. This world teaches us to struggle, but not by having difficulties, but by enjoying life and understanding our selves by developing our talents and untapped potentials.

Every new thing is something we all are afraid of. Why is that? I'm a website developer, a musician, an actor and a good son. I know right from wrong and so on... But is there something that is good in any case? I think that someones good is bad for someone else. So there is no 1 way to achieve success. If you watch The Secret and do all exactly as they say, then you must be stupid. You just have to snatch the mindset out of the material and adapt it for YOUR needs. What is wrong in being in an attitude of gratitude? Nothing!

It's always the same. New software? Oh no! Now I have to learn again. It's something new. Sorry no! I don't care it's easier, because it's not the same way I did it all the time. I'm comfortable where I am. And that is called laziness and stupidity.

Many people don't believe in auras and other stuff, they can't touch. But now even the scientists have proven the aura exists. Why don't you believe that you vibrate or things vibrate? The smallest particle quantum is changing it's ways by the energy you give it. If you look negative to a quantum it will change and be ugly. If you look at the same quantum with loving eyes, it will become beautiful and this information again comes from scientists. So, if that is true and we shape the very thing that is being seen by us. It's just a new information you should consider to analyze and think about all they are saying (And you should read skeptics too, because it makes you think. If you believe it or not) and what you can believe.

You should love your selves and you should give goodness to others. So that other can become happy too and they could share the happiness to make the world better. You really have to start from the man in the mirror. Others can not make the life better for you if you don't. Never follow anyone in anything just because you heard or read something. Think on your own and make the decision for you. Nobody can tell you how to be or make you do things you don't want. That is only up to you and YOU only!

Take care and love!

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