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Saturday, 24 January 2009

Little trainings for you to try.

After the Ph.D article I want you to give some ways of practicing the Secret in your life. First of all let's understand, that The Secret and NLP are related, but they are no the same. You can improve your NLP skills by using The secret and the other way around. So They are just 2 parts you should know. But don't go and pay for courses. It's no use! Remember if people are trying to earn money directly from you, then they are not interested if you get the idea or not. They just get money and using their knowledge make you feel good and smarter, but it can be a false emotion made by the experienced tutor. Just read read read and learn all your self.

Here are some practices from NLP used for The Secret and the other way around.

1. Change others indirectly or REFRAMING.
After a serous fight with your girlfriend or some other bad experience you have, analyze what was wrong, why did this happen. Always think about what did YOU do wrong and not the other person. After that play out the situation in a way that it should be in your mind. Just imagine and hold that image in your mind for some time. Feel the feelings you want in that kind of situations and let it go by just letting it happen. Don't struggle to make it happen and don't make the other person to change them selves. They will change eventually if their frequency match to yours. And if they want to stay with you, then even if their frequency is not the same, they will change it, so you 2 can live in harmony. Remember, that it doesn't matter for what situation you use it. Just try it and please comment me about the results in this post.

2. The magnet.
The next level is to believe in your self. Start to build this up by using the 1. practice and use this one too. Try to imagine a cup of tea or Coffey for the whole day and imagine that someone is offering you to drink it together. And if you see a chance to fulfill your imagination, then do that immediately, because the Universe likes speed, You aether react, or you stay behind. Now don't say it doesn't work for me, or I'm too weak to do that yet. No! You can do it, just be patient and go on trying. After a week some of the strongest ones have their 1. success situations. So take your time and learn how to be patient. Remember to always after a good experience to thank for it in your mind. Remember about the attitude of gratitude.

3. Reaching bigger goals.
If you want to reach let's say a goal 100$ in 1 month additional money to your income. Then tell your wish to others and fill them and your self with confidence, that it's going to happen. It's best if you say when not only to your self (so that you don't get hurt when it doesn't happen) but tell it to everybody. So you feel that you have to achieve it. That is the energy, that will keep you thinking how to do that, and if you start making up ideas 1 of them or even all of them will work for you. And the end result will be convincing enough for you to believe The Secret.

4. Changing your ways.
If you look at your self in the mirror and act as you don't know the person that's looking back to you from the mirror. What could you say about him/her? Try to progress your self every day. "Non progredum est regredum" - means of you don't progress, then you fall back. As simple as that. You have to change your self and become better every day. If you make you better, then the world around you will become better. Let's say for instance you help an old lady to cross the street. You don't await anything from her, but she suddenly gives you a good advice or idea for your business or she will give you her vote, if you candidate after 10 years for president. But don't do that because it will give you credit, but because you want to do so. Otherwise it won't work. Help others and others will help you. Even if they don't know that you have helped others...

Practice those and comment please so that I see what kind of information you all need.

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