Hello and welcome to my blog, that can change your life. (it certainly changed mine.) This blog can provide you with a good advice that can solve your problems, but it can do much more than that. You can change your life for the better for ever. If you want to do so, then feel free to read any post and try to learn from it. Contact me for more information and encouragement. Good luck and thank you for coming.

Tuesday, 23 November 2010


I've always believed that a lot of the troubles in the world would disappear if we were talking to each other instead of about each other.

The best deposit you could ever make is...

Every day, or at the very least once or twice a week, take a few minutes and focus on seeing yourself in joy. Feel yourself in joy. Imagine only joy ahead in your life and see yourself basking in it. As you do this the Universe will move all people, circumstances, and events to bring you that joy. You can't be in joy if you have money worries, or health worries, or relationship problems with friends or family. So deposit some joy in the bank of the Universe as often as you can. There isn't an investment that is more worthwhile.
May the joy be with you

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Small reminder

Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate.

Friday, 12 November 2010

A story: Lost in Translation

There is definitely something to be said for the unspoken word. Those moments when a simple look or touch tells you exactly what the other person is thinking or feeling. Sadly as magical as those "silent" moments may be, overtime I think we rely too much on them and those thoughts or feelings we are trying to convey to one another get lost in translation.

We forget that the spoken word has some pretty powerful magic of its own.

We stop saying "I love you" because we assume that it is a well-known fact. We stop complimenting each other, because after a while, we figure "its all been said before, so why say it again". We stop telling our loved ones how much we appreciate the things they do, because those things become the norm, lose their luster and eventually go unnoticed.

I saw an elderly couple in the grocery store the other day. They seemed as though they were still in the "honeymoon phase" of their relationship. He held her hand, kissed her cheek and told her he loved her all in the few moments I was near them. Her response was to pat him on the cheek and say "I love you too handsome".

Yes it seemed a little strange of a scene for grocery shopping, but also refreshing to see people who I'm sure have lived through many heartaches, letdowns and broken promises to still be so loving and cherish another human being's affection so much. I found myself wondering. are they new to this relationship or have they been together most of their lives? The answer didn't really matter much to me, but the question was worth thinking about. If they were new to the relationship, they were off to a good start. If they had been together for 30-40 years, well. I'd say we could all learn a lot from them.

Seeing these two made me consider my own life and how I communicate with the people I love. I considered how many times I have looked at my husband or daughter and felt an almost breathtaking amount of love, compassion or pride for them and yet I stood and said nothing. I considered how many times I lay next to my husband and wanted nothing more than to be close to him and yet I did not move from my side of the bed. And I wonder why that is. Is it some deep-rooted insecurity or fear of rejection? Probably. But even so, am I not a strong enough person to overcome those fears? I would hope so. Because life is too short not to make the most of every moment you have with the ones you love.

So what have I learned from this? Where do I go from here? How do I change my ways?...

When I find myself hesitating to express my affections, I will reflect on what I felt when I saw the elderly couple in the grocery store. I will stop to notice the expressions and actions of those in my life and I will react accordingly (there are right times and wrong times for shows of affection). I will appreciate the unspoken moments and look forward to the spoken ones - and I will make an effort to initiate both. I will be a more considerate and confident wife, a more complementary parent, a more compassionate friend, a more eager and expressive lover and overall a more expressively honest person. I will notice and appreciate what others do for me and revel in the moment each time a kind word is spoken to me. I will not allow those precious moments to be lost, forgotten or go unnoticed. And last but not least, I will pray that when I reach an elderly age, I will still hold all of those moments in such high regard; I will not become complacent in life and that I will still be assurrounded by love as I amtoday.

Cynthia Scheid

Saturday, 6 November 2010

About our own selfichness

What is happening with the people in the world and most importantly with our selves? We tend to want others to be more generous and loving and helping towards us, but what do we do in return? We are greedy, selfish and poisonous towards others or worst of all we want to take the ignoring strategy, but that kills everything that's alive. So what can we do while others keep on being greedy and selfish? Is it really a smart thing to do to help others if we know that there are so many people outside that are going to use you if you do? Every one of us has a built in lie detector, that might not work properly because we doubt everything these days, but if you look into the eyes of the person and you have the feeling, that that person needs help and doesn't want you compassion or help, but feels (no looks) like they need help, you might be better off helping them. Remember you can't help a person if you give them what they need, but you can help a person if you give the person what's needed to get what they need them selves. So next time you see a bozo on the street begging for your money offer them a job for 10$ a day. Those who really need the help will take the offer, but those who just want your money will laugh in your face. Remember if you make a change you make a change in the whole world and if many people start doing this, it will change not only the world it self, but the results we will see every day in the future. I have seen places where there are no homeless or broke people just because everyone is given the chance to do work not looking at their past, but looking at their actual results at what they want to do. they give the person a try. This leads us back to the times when you didn't need education to start doing something and you knew a master who could teach you. Remember dedication and repetition and practice is the key to success in any field. So next time you worry if the CV of someone is not good enough just ask your self if you have a master who can teach the person who wants to work.

Give a hand - not the fish, but the fishing rod.

Friday, 5 November 2010

What would make an even bigger impact to motivate you?

You can watch the movie called Eat Pray Love, that will make you start thinking about things in a different perspective. You might feel empowered and feel like you have a lot to think about - and you truly do... Give some tome to your self and try to talk to your self and listen to your self more, because you have forgotten, that you are a friend for your self as well and you have to love your self, to able to love others. But you can't really love someone when you don't know that someone well. Now I'm ready to propose that you don't really know your self that well to be sure about anything you would to in any situation. Then again I'm not sure if even the Buddhist monks know that, but some of the might be very close to realizing and knowing that. It's a goal not something I have achieved my self, but it's a good star in the sky to follow.

About medicine and doctors

Now the best way I could put this is the way I have been introduced to this information. So I want to share some startling information about medical doctors and before people get upset about what I'm going to say in the rest of the email, let me just make one thing clear. :)

I believe most medical doctors, at heart, are kind, and well-meaning people, who have worked very hard to educate themselves in an attempt to help people,

Let me also say that in a pinch, such as a medical emergency, there is nothing better than western

allopathic medicine to keep you alive!

There are some issues though that I think you should know about...

Prescription drugs, vaccines, needless surgeries and more are the norm in this day and age, and I've seen SO many people negatively affected.

Unfortunately modern medicine tends to be more about sick care than health care.

The good news is that there are some amazing doctors out there, leading the charge in getting

people truly healthy.

And the results they're seeing are ASTONISHING.

I highly recommend you to watch this video with Dr. Joel Fuhrman to hear about how to truly be healthy.


And there is another good site you should visit to get huge amounts of good advice and information about being healthy and raising your awareness about what you self are doing to your body.

Both of the sites are available in my Sources and friends section...

Pleas think about your selves and think about your health, because your health is exactly the thing Illuminati don't want you to think about.

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Deeper knowing

I feel like a rat

I feel like a rat. I have been warned just like many other may be from the Illuminati. And the thing I did was put out information and then shut up in security. Where as I should have just enough guts to be at least as courageous as this girl. We all know it and felt it our entire lives. And yet we haven't understood the importance of the messages people who new something more than we did shared with us to prepare for what's going to come. Watch the Highlander series with Adrian Paul or listen to Michael Jackson's music, or watch the book of Eli or see Lean on me, read all the religious books and you will see that the rule for getting profit applies even there. You have to give value to receive money, but unfortunately it doesn't have to be just the value, there can be a lot of crap as well if you don't want the value to be used against your business. There is a lot behind everything we don't question, but if you just listen to the words mainstream music, media and commercials on the streets are planting into our subconscious minds you will see that you are being programmed. I haven't watched TV for 6 years now and I feel significant differences from other people - before that I didn't. Try to step back from the life routine and just analyze everything your self. Be the judge of what happens and don't listen to anyone! You will see the results and believe me you will not be pleased with them. We can do something against that and that is to help girls like this to keep on spreading the message and keep on doing it our selves. But what else can we do? Well it is simple. We can live the vibration of love which means to live in love peace and harmony with one self and therefore with others. Tibet is a place for spiritual revelations. Go there or connect to your higher self and understand what's happening... We all can lend a hand to each other and that doesn't coast us a dime. Let's go and do that! (Remember do only what you feel and believe you have to do and not what anyone tells you to do...)

There is just one

This message may not be nice and comforting for those who understand some simple facts about us. We are 1 consciousness and we are immortal. So in order to have more and more power in the next level of life awareness and all other things that are going to change in 2012, they need many people to dissolve from this planet, so that more of the consciousness could be controlled by a selected part of people who know more than we care about and therefore have much more impact upon our lives than we even understand. They try to make all this information that is true to be ridiculed in such a manner that we all start believing lies, because the people who are aware about our infinite life and power, set those lies for us to eliminate the diversity of this consciousness and collect all the strength, knowledge and let them decide what they want for them selves to experience and that takes just a few loyal people controlled by one or three leaders who may agree upon the choices life gives us. So basically there is always the struggle for power and the only reason for that is, that the people who try to get the ultimate control over people are those ones who feel and think and therefore have convinced them selves that they can't feel and live the singularity called love and live in fear. That is their only weakness that is the only reason why they will never succeed, because right now there are more and more people understanding their own origins and understanding what they really are. We are becoming more and more aware and ready for the end of the cycle and the start of a new one with more conscious control over the life around us with much less effort. That's what it is all about after 2012. More control and improved spiritual life significantly. That would mean the end of systems, hierarchy and the flourishing of true freedom and love on a higher level. Now in this cycle we had to learn some essential things, that were a way of a test of the life if you will and the results will be your own capability to shape your life, universe, reality (call it whatever you like) or not being to do that and from the destructive emotion vibrations that will be empowered after the cycle ends will just simply destroy you in a form of a common disease and kill all those who live in fear. So set aside all the conspiracy theories, because they are will and have been true for as long as we could imagine, and think for a second what you can do to stop the negative from happening? Well all you have to do is understand what you really are and try to find the fastest and most harmonious way to get your life in sync with the vibration of love.

Monday, 19 July 2010

Just another fact...

Just another fact, that means, that Bob Proctor (and therefore all who think like I do) is (are) Right!

Monday, 31 May 2010

About education

I hope, that people who have the power to influence things will hear this man and understand what he is saying! It's too hard not to want to throw your life away only because other think you should go to college and therefore do not employ you just because you didn't throw away 4 - 8 years of your life to prove the society, that you can work in this field. Actually most of the graduates are not fit to do anything in the line of work they have been learning for 4 - 8 years, because their passion is long gone and forgotten and in most of the cases 100% not the thing they are doing. So it's doing the job only to do the job, not because they love doing it. We seriously have to think about this problem and only together will we succeed in this quest for better life for our selves and for our children.

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Could it be, that I'm just making it up?

People ask me don't you think it's a little ambitious to think, that you know the right answers just because you believe different than we and you apear to be right on a great number of cases? And I actually don't know how to answer that question, but what I know for certain is, that if you can prove it with simple scientific facts, than it should be easyer to understand and believe than a miserious guy who loves us all and monitors every our action...
An the best part about my beliefs is, that it almost allways helps me predict the result of my actions and to enticipate all the possible actions from others. It is mesurable, unlike any religion. I'm sorry to be intimidating, but I believe in me and therefore I believe, that people who need religion are just weak people who need something else to believe in, because they don't believe in them selves. And they can be helped by showing them they real potential and proove them theur own power and abilities, to peacefully het rid of all the unnecessery religions and dumb beliefs.

Monday, 10 May 2010

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Have I posted anything good jet?

I think I haven't posted anything that good... Do you want to learn how to achieve more than anyone else has ever told you could achieve? Learn how to lead your life and the bonuses will come on their own...

I love this video... I need it and anyone who will listen to this video from start to finish will want to see it at least a 1000000000000 time more... Sorry may be 10100001010010000200111... :)

This is the best I have ever seen and heard - you are welcome! :)

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Understood? :)

A good list of videos, that make you think...

  • http://www.ted.com/talks/sam_harris_science_can_show_what_s_right.html
  • http://www.ted.com/talks/kevin_bales_how_to_combat_modern_slavery.html
  • http://www.ted.com/talks/kirk_citron_and_now_the_real_news.html

Friday, 26 February 2010

Friday, 5 February 2010

Dreams indeed are to be taken serious

It's not fantasy - it's in some way a reality. You have to control your dreams and the main thing is try to remember them, for they have the information you need to ascend much easier, because we have more information available than we can grasp when awake.

We all are just another part of us...

Spiritually ready?

That only means you have to learn more, but that is very good. I stumbled upon this video when I was thinking about why my own body didn't feel so good at times. And here is the answer...

Monday, 18 January 2010

We can do this