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Saturday, 6 November 2010

About our own selfichness

What is happening with the people in the world and most importantly with our selves? We tend to want others to be more generous and loving and helping towards us, but what do we do in return? We are greedy, selfish and poisonous towards others or worst of all we want to take the ignoring strategy, but that kills everything that's alive. So what can we do while others keep on being greedy and selfish? Is it really a smart thing to do to help others if we know that there are so many people outside that are going to use you if you do? Every one of us has a built in lie detector, that might not work properly because we doubt everything these days, but if you look into the eyes of the person and you have the feeling, that that person needs help and doesn't want you compassion or help, but feels (no looks) like they need help, you might be better off helping them. Remember you can't help a person if you give them what they need, but you can help a person if you give the person what's needed to get what they need them selves. So next time you see a bozo on the street begging for your money offer them a job for 10$ a day. Those who really need the help will take the offer, but those who just want your money will laugh in your face. Remember if you make a change you make a change in the whole world and if many people start doing this, it will change not only the world it self, but the results we will see every day in the future. I have seen places where there are no homeless or broke people just because everyone is given the chance to do work not looking at their past, but looking at their actual results at what they want to do. they give the person a try. This leads us back to the times when you didn't need education to start doing something and you knew a master who could teach you. Remember dedication and repetition and practice is the key to success in any field. So next time you worry if the CV of someone is not good enough just ask your self if you have a master who can teach the person who wants to work.

Give a hand - not the fish, but the fishing rod.

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