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Friday, 5 November 2010

About medicine and doctors

Now the best way I could put this is the way I have been introduced to this information. So I want to share some startling information about medical doctors and before people get upset about what I'm going to say in the rest of the email, let me just make one thing clear. :)

I believe most medical doctors, at heart, are kind, and well-meaning people, who have worked very hard to educate themselves in an attempt to help people,

Let me also say that in a pinch, such as a medical emergency, there is nothing better than western

allopathic medicine to keep you alive!

There are some issues though that I think you should know about...

Prescription drugs, vaccines, needless surgeries and more are the norm in this day and age, and I've seen SO many people negatively affected.

Unfortunately modern medicine tends to be more about sick care than health care.

The good news is that there are some amazing doctors out there, leading the charge in getting

people truly healthy.

And the results they're seeing are ASTONISHING.

I highly recommend you to watch this video with Dr. Joel Fuhrman to hear about how to truly be healthy.


And there is another good site you should visit to get huge amounts of good advice and information about being healthy and raising your awareness about what you self are doing to your body.

Both of the sites are available in my Sources and friends section...

Pleas think about your selves and think about your health, because your health is exactly the thing Illuminati don't want you to think about.

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