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Saturday, 15 May 2010

Could it be, that I'm just making it up?

People ask me don't you think it's a little ambitious to think, that you know the right answers just because you believe different than we and you apear to be right on a great number of cases? And I actually don't know how to answer that question, but what I know for certain is, that if you can prove it with simple scientific facts, than it should be easyer to understand and believe than a miserious guy who loves us all and monitors every our action...
An the best part about my beliefs is, that it almost allways helps me predict the result of my actions and to enticipate all the possible actions from others. It is mesurable, unlike any religion. I'm sorry to be intimidating, but I believe in me and therefore I believe, that people who need religion are just weak people who need something else to believe in, because they don't believe in them selves. And they can be helped by showing them they real potential and proove them theur own power and abilities, to peacefully het rid of all the unnecessery religions and dumb beliefs.

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