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Wednesday, 1 April 2009

What is a problem?

Today i want to talk to you about the meaning of a problem or what actually is a problem?

A problem commonly is considered something, that is in the way of something and is not letting us reach our goals. Some even think, that a problem is something, that can not be solved. In that case they call it even a serious problem.

Actually a problem is a signal about, the very thing we are going to do or want to do, that it will change our lives for ever. How can that be? Well we are who we decide to be, so every decision makes us what we are and what we are becoming. So the choice we are making in every problem is not actually a choice, that just resolves the problem or makes it bigger, but it's a decision of what we are going to become. So the result of a resolved problem is a better or at least different life, because you choose it to be different with your decisions.

Having that said, why do problems become serious problems or huge problems with time in some cases. Well the answer is simple. We just didn't solve the problem, we thought of a way to ignore it, so it just becomes bigger and bigger until you just take it, admit, that you have this problem, and solve it.

So what tends to happen when you ignore your problems. One of the laws of the universe is, that Like attracts like, so if you don't solve a problem (small or big no matter) it tends to attract other problems as well, so you keep attracting more and more problems until you can even loose track why did the other problems became problems. So it's best if you take care of all problems immediately, so that you are safer from additional problems.

So in conclusion, problems are nothing bad, they are training sessions and a signal about the fact, that we are changing our lives in some serious way and we are about to become different. Usually it's for the better, but if you tend to think about bad things, who knows, may be you have requested the universe for a chance to become worse. Remember we are unlimited beings. We can do what ever we want till we cross some one else. Then 2 unlimited beings tend to do what they want to do, and if the want's disagree at some point, they tend to find a place, where it can be done with out violating the rights of the other one.

Try this at home and you will see the result. It's simple and logic, but it's powerful. Once you get this concept, you can do much more, than you could before. Try to do something, you like very much, but someone else hates doing that, with the person, who hates it. You will start a fight, so you don't have serious damage, just tell them afterwords, that it was an experiment, so they could receive the experience and knowledge also.

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