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Thursday, 2 April 2009

What is love?

The answer is: I don't know. In fact this phenomena is one of life's mysteries for centuries. Many people have come up with some definitions, but if you follow any of them, you can only find the kind of people, the writer loved, not you. So here is my "definition" of love. If you feel inside you, that this person could be the one, but you don't feel sure about it. Just ask the person or wait until the question pops on her own. Love can't be hurried, it can't be 100% stable or predictable. You can only hope, that it's there. There is one thing you can do tho. You can give love as much as you can, but don't get boring or overdo it. Just be your self and do your best to show your love by being someone to come to and cry on the shoulder and be the one who always knows what and how to do, so the other one feels secure and needed. Be as warm as possible, as if you would take care of your own child or mother. Be the person you want to be, or you hope to become some day. You can do it now, you just have to believe and start acting upon your wishes. It's not a mystery any more is it? You are seeking for the same things as everybody else who want's to settle down, so don't be afraid of your wants, don't be worried about what will happen and will the person you chose be the same or better in time. Will he or she be good enough to rise children etc... Remember there are no coincidence, only cause and effect. That again is one of the laws of the universe. If you choose some body, you can't be wrong. The only thing, that can happen is, that the other person didn't chose you. In which case you have to pop the question - do you want to be with me or not. If the person says NO, then it's period. No and that's it - go on searching another one. But if the person isn't sure or says yes - it's the same result, the other person just doesn't know what you just read and now know. That person doesn't believe in his or her own power and knowledge.
We don't have to know every thing, we still can know and do all we desire if we only want to act upon our ideas, needs, wants...

If you are just reading this and not already acting, I suggest you take a good brake in life and just think about what you just read and answer to your self. Do I live like I want to? Is this simple thing worth trying? Does this work at all?

The answer to the last question is: "If you think and believe, that you can or can't do something in both cases you are right."

Man can not achieve greatness alone or by limiting them selves with believes and superstition. It can only be done through freedom, belief and friendship.

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