Hello and welcome to my blog, that can change your life. (it certainly changed mine.) This blog can provide you with a good advice that can solve your problems, but it can do much more than that. You can change your life for the better for ever. If you want to do so, then feel free to read any post and try to learn from it. Contact me for more information and encouragement. Good luck and thank you for coming.

Thursday, 16 April 2009

How to deciede?

Many of us think, that decisions we make are just decisions about what we do. Actually it is a decision about what we are (as I mentioned before) but in this post I want to let you know how can you use this simple truth for your benefit.

How do you make decisions usually? I bet you think about the positive aspects of doing it, the negative ones and then about if you want to be involved in this or any activity at all. As a result you do mostly the things others expect you to do. This is really important. Although we make the decision on our own, our mind is used to think what do others expect from us to be doing. So the circle goes on and on.

The right way of making a decision is (well one of the starting steps or ways to do that) after your brain has registered a multiple choice or just on choice decision, you have to imagine, that you are already doing x, y or z. Then compare the inner feelings chose the one you felt best about. Close your eyes and take the time to imagine and feel the feelings. Don't look in your imagination to what others do, think or feel. Just ask your self. Then categorize them in to 1th, 2nd and the last thing to do and only then ask your friends, family or others about what they want...

If you do so, then you will never regret what you did and who you are. Others will love you because of you being true to them and to your self. You will not only earn true respect, but you will feel good where ever you go, what ever you do as long as it is in harmony with what you feel.

I hope you got the message, but if not, feel free to comment or send me an e-mail.

Friday, 10 April 2009

Think about your decisions...

Do you think about your choices the proper way? And do you see the real thing behind your "problems"?

Every decision you make - every decision - is not a decision about what to do. It's a decision about Who You Are. When you see this, when you understand it, everything changes. You begin to see life in a new way. All events, occurrences, and situations turn into opportunities to do what you came here to do. /Bob Proctor/

I firmly believe this. A few days ago I changed my car for a better one and I still have to pay the dept. But now I feel more confident about my self and I'm able to upgrade my life. I did attracted one of my dreams into my life and I'm not going to stop. It is only the beginning. It's all in your head so bring it out! Invite more of your selves to the party and be a cheerful person.

Tuesday, 7 April 2009


http://www.centerpointe.com/free/pro102/ is the address you ought to listen to if you care about your health. It let's you understand your body at a super high level. If you do, you can avoid many problems in your life and health just by knowing this!

Monday, 6 April 2009

Why and what is wrong with you people?

When a thousand people talk good about you and one evil, then people will believe that one person and feel good. Every body wants to feel better than the others so the easiest way to do so is to shine when others fall. Only the strong ones can shine by helping those who fall and not the other way around. There are limits as to wisdom, but stupidity is unlimited. Think about that for a while so you are not in that count who try to shine when others fall. Don't become weak, because nature selects only the strong ones and not the ones who are the luckiest.

Lend a hand when needed and leave in peace when rejected.

How to be happy

Learn how to be happy with what you have while you pursue all that you want. /Jim Rohn/ How do you understand that? Well I had to learn and still have to learn this the hard way. I wanted a new car instead I broke it and had to spend 230$ to fix it. Therefore I lacked the money to live from paycheck till paycheck and I had to take money from my job to have this month ok, but that started me a never ending wheel, that made me lacking money. Then I had this idea to start another job. JOB? (just over broke). So I started again living without thinking. I made a grate gap in my thinking process and this blog shows it, because usually I made at least 3 posts and set them for every day at 8 o clock in the morning. Now look if you are interested at the dates and times...
However I found this video showed in the previous post and It downed on me. I have been living in a nightmare I had quiet long time back. I just didn't wake up and didn't start thinking that day and it led me to stop doing what I love. Bad thinks kept happening to me and I didn't even realize it because I was in my old comfort zone. So I just thought like before - "It's not all bad... blah blah blah".
Remember your self to wake up once in a while to make sure you haven't not gotten up and living a nightmare, that you knew and lived before.
Be happy for what you have and from where you start updating your self, but don't fall in to conformity. Keep going up and don't listen to your best friends who want to "help" you then know they do want to help, but they CAN NOT KNOW what is good for you. Remember no one knows better how to be you than you.

Do the thing that is right for you!

Sunday, 5 April 2009

O my good. I can't put it better...

This works 1000%. I assure you, that it works perfectly! Listen to this video. If you don't get it, listen again. If you don't believe, think again, because whether you believe or you don't believe in both case you are right. So decide when you want to be right and when you want to change the things you are right about... You dictate your life, so try doing this with some help from successful people. And you know what? Anyone who is truly successful, want's to help people to become like that more than people, who try to become successful. I hope you catch that. So I won't lecture any more, because Diane Hochman put's it the best.
Find more videos like this on The Million Mind March

Saturday, 4 April 2009

I hope you can filter information...

Well I found this video while learning on how to do MLM and what actually is that. And I found a super video about how to think better in situations when you don't know how to do something or you just don't know this or that. Your brain is the most advanced computer in the world and if you ask your brains a question enough times, it has to give you an answer no matter what. So you will start acting upon your thoughts and pretty much that is what I'm talking here about in my blog. How to get your brains going and start to think. Join the 2% of people in the world, who actually think and make it 3%. You want to do so? I'm here to help and I'm not the only one. You can Google for more or just take a look at my friends and sources list. Just keep on digging. May be if I'm not the best way to show you this information, don't be rejecting this, just look at it on another site where it's given to you in a different way. Just keep exploring your self and you will find many answers on your own, but remember, you can do everything, but if you join a master mind, you can do more... Watch this video and filtrate this information, or not, if you are interested in MLM, but keep this in your mind. You have to explore your self to upgrade your mind set and life.

Find more videos like this on The Million Mind March
Remember if you don't succeed right away It doesn't mean you can't do it. A round man cannot be expected to fit in a square hole right away. He must have time to modify his shape. /Mark Twain (1835-1910)/ Keep up the good work and smile it's healthy!

Why do we regret our mistakes?

We all make our decisions in our lives and first we think, that it's the best thing we could do. But after we get older and smarter only a few things stay under this label. Why do we regret our mistakes? Well the answer is easy, we keep to our decisions with out thinking again and again and again...
Instead of not thinking we all should think again about our choices. Is this really what I want to do? Do I really think this my self, or I'm doing this only because my friends and/or family want or don't want me to do this. It shouldn't make a difference in you choices if your family or friends like what you are doing or not. It's your life, never forget that.
Well for instance if I would have thought first and then acted I would now live a completely different life. After that mistake, if I would have thought again, then I would save me plenty of time and money. If after that I would have thought again I would now live in a different place and may be be happier? Isn't this every bodies thoughts now and then? I think you know what I'm talking about.
Remember no one is better at being you than you.
"Be your self. Every body else is already taken..." /Don't remember who first said that, but definitely not me/

Made a mistake? Think again! Did something good? Think again! You can be true, but you can make a mistake can't you?... Think about this and upgrade your mind and life!

Thursday, 2 April 2009

What is love?

The answer is: I don't know. In fact this phenomena is one of life's mysteries for centuries. Many people have come up with some definitions, but if you follow any of them, you can only find the kind of people, the writer loved, not you. So here is my "definition" of love. If you feel inside you, that this person could be the one, but you don't feel sure about it. Just ask the person or wait until the question pops on her own. Love can't be hurried, it can't be 100% stable or predictable. You can only hope, that it's there. There is one thing you can do tho. You can give love as much as you can, but don't get boring or overdo it. Just be your self and do your best to show your love by being someone to come to and cry on the shoulder and be the one who always knows what and how to do, so the other one feels secure and needed. Be as warm as possible, as if you would take care of your own child or mother. Be the person you want to be, or you hope to become some day. You can do it now, you just have to believe and start acting upon your wishes. It's not a mystery any more is it? You are seeking for the same things as everybody else who want's to settle down, so don't be afraid of your wants, don't be worried about what will happen and will the person you chose be the same or better in time. Will he or she be good enough to rise children etc... Remember there are no coincidence, only cause and effect. That again is one of the laws of the universe. If you choose some body, you can't be wrong. The only thing, that can happen is, that the other person didn't chose you. In which case you have to pop the question - do you want to be with me or not. If the person says NO, then it's period. No and that's it - go on searching another one. But if the person isn't sure or says yes - it's the same result, the other person just doesn't know what you just read and now know. That person doesn't believe in his or her own power and knowledge.
We don't have to know every thing, we still can know and do all we desire if we only want to act upon our ideas, needs, wants...

If you are just reading this and not already acting, I suggest you take a good brake in life and just think about what you just read and answer to your self. Do I live like I want to? Is this simple thing worth trying? Does this work at all?

The answer to the last question is: "If you think and believe, that you can or can't do something in both cases you are right."

Man can not achieve greatness alone or by limiting them selves with believes and superstition. It can only be done through freedom, belief and friendship.

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

What is a problem?

Today i want to talk to you about the meaning of a problem or what actually is a problem?

A problem commonly is considered something, that is in the way of something and is not letting us reach our goals. Some even think, that a problem is something, that can not be solved. In that case they call it even a serious problem.

Actually a problem is a signal about, the very thing we are going to do or want to do, that it will change our lives for ever. How can that be? Well we are who we decide to be, so every decision makes us what we are and what we are becoming. So the choice we are making in every problem is not actually a choice, that just resolves the problem or makes it bigger, but it's a decision of what we are going to become. So the result of a resolved problem is a better or at least different life, because you choose it to be different with your decisions.

Having that said, why do problems become serious problems or huge problems with time in some cases. Well the answer is simple. We just didn't solve the problem, we thought of a way to ignore it, so it just becomes bigger and bigger until you just take it, admit, that you have this problem, and solve it.

So what tends to happen when you ignore your problems. One of the laws of the universe is, that Like attracts like, so if you don't solve a problem (small or big no matter) it tends to attract other problems as well, so you keep attracting more and more problems until you can even loose track why did the other problems became problems. So it's best if you take care of all problems immediately, so that you are safer from additional problems.

So in conclusion, problems are nothing bad, they are training sessions and a signal about the fact, that we are changing our lives in some serious way and we are about to become different. Usually it's for the better, but if you tend to think about bad things, who knows, may be you have requested the universe for a chance to become worse. Remember we are unlimited beings. We can do what ever we want till we cross some one else. Then 2 unlimited beings tend to do what they want to do, and if the want's disagree at some point, they tend to find a place, where it can be done with out violating the rights of the other one.

Try this at home and you will see the result. It's simple and logic, but it's powerful. Once you get this concept, you can do much more, than you could before. Try to do something, you like very much, but someone else hates doing that, with the person, who hates it. You will start a fight, so you don't have serious damage, just tell them afterwords, that it was an experiment, so they could receive the experience and knowledge also.