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Friday, 7 August 2009

Story: About Bob and what he did to me and may be to us

Here is your Friday story,

My Mentor

I've got to say - last week's Friday Story in Insights was a great read. After it ran, Bob told me that they received hundreds of calls and comments. For good reason, too - what a great lesson!

As Bob Proctor reeled through the mentors who have helped him in his own life, I wondered if any of those people were ever aware of how significantly they had shaped Bob's life.

Then I got to thinking about Bob . I wonder if he's aware of just how much he's impacted people's lives. And, on the flip side, I wonder if people (like you) reading the Insights story understand what Bob's really doing out there . have you had a chance to be right there in person with him as he's helped you shift your life in a better direction, or is he just a name on Insights or a face in The Secret?

Honestly, the man is 75 years old and I still think that people really don't "get" what he does.

After working with Bob for 14 years, I probably sound like a ready-made sales pitch for the man but . if you really look at it . I can't help but sell you on the idea of learning from Bob Proctor. There are many great teachers and mentors I respect out there, but there's simply no other who teaches you how to permanently change your life as succinctly and completely as Bob does.

I figure you just might be ready for that.

There are a whole bunch of us - thousands, probably - skittering around out there with completely transformed lives . lives that look nothing like they did before we met Bob Proctor. Granted, I'm sure we've all had times when we've felt ourselves sliding down the slippery slope of negative muck. But, because of Bob's teachings, we're able to recognize the direction we're heading and DO something to stop the momentum. When I realize I'm sinking in the quicksand of negative goo, I pull out one of Bob's audio or video programs and "plug in" again.

It hasn't always been that way. Far from it! In 1994, I had no idea he existed. I had a job. I was earning a living. I wasn't particularly satisfied, but I had no idea how to go about changing it.

Then, God/The Universe/every angel assigned to my life made sure that I was "randomly" chosen to be Bob's handler at my company's convention. And, in the process of walking Bob from his keynote address to his workshop across the Bally's casino, my whole life changed.

Since that 10-minute stroll, Bob has taught me how to create unimaginable (even giddy) results in my life. I still remember him telling me that he could show me how to change my annual income into my monthly income. Even though my annual income was no Fort Knox treasure at the time, I thought it was the most ridiculous statement I'd ever heard. But, just as Bob's mentors believed in him, Bob believed in me. He really thought I had the ability to get there.

I can't even imagine how many lives have changed because Bob believed in this person or that person .

. He believed in John Assaraf when he began coaching John in his early 20s. John became a regional owner in RE/MAX, the instigator behind taking many companies public, and is now the owner of an international coaching franchise of his own.

. He believed in Jack Canfield when Jack came up with the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" idea at one of Bob's big events. Jack recently noted that since he started applying Bob's principles and strategies in his life, his net worth multiplied 40 times!

. Bob believed in Loral Langemeier, who left a corporate job to become a multi-millionaire in property ownership and then went on to teach her methods to millions of people through books, television and events.

. And he believed in Christopher Guerriero, who had to cobble several credit cards together to participate in Bob's coaching program a few years ago. Recently, he told Bob that he'd just achieved $1 million in profits in a single month.

I could go on and on about the people I've met whose lives have been touched by Bob Proctor. And I can assure you - not one of us initially believed it could "happen" to us. In fact, most of us came to Bob Proctor mired in lack, limitation, stressed finances and limited opportunity. But there was a turning point for each of us, a fleeting moment when something deep inside woke from its slumber because it knew. Something in Bob's message resonates truth.

So, with the tiniest flicker of instinct and Bob's unfailing belief in us, we took the step.

I remember one of the most popular movies of the '90s - The Matrix - had to do with people accepting a way of life because it was the ONLY life they knew. At one point, the mentor figure in the movie, Morpheus, says, "I'm trying to free your mind. But I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it."

As you start to work with Bob Proctor, you begin to realize this same truth - he's not opening the door . he's showing you your own way.

Oddly enough, and quite by "coincidence," Bob recently created a 6-day, in-person, intensive workshop that he chose to call The Matrix. (He's never seen the movie. He says he just "plucked" the word from the air when he came up with the idea on a plane at 30,000 feet.)

By definition, a "matrix" is a womb, an incubator, a place of growth. And, for the first time in seven years, Bob is personally providing 6 full days of his time to your development and your growth in a small-group setting. Not just an audio. Not just a video. Not a movie or TV talk show he's featured in. This is Bob in person . for you.

If you knew about Bob's life as a few do, you would understand that the creation of this 6-day event is a miracle in and of itself . it's hard enough to get Bob on the phone for 5 minutes. He's in high demand and circling the globe regularly. The fact that he's committed to staying in one place for 6 days to personally and directly help YOU is not an offer to take lightly.

When you spend even ONE day with Bob Proctor, you emerge a different person - imagine what 6 days would do.

You'll see the world in a completely different way. I know this will be true for you because I've been there myself - I was an average, ordinary person who started in one place and now I stand in quite another. My annual income became my monthly income and then some. Every aspect of my life is a vast, colorful contrast to the life I lived before I met Bob . before I chose to walk through the door.

Just like the movie, The Bob Proctor Matrix starts in one place and ends in quite another.

The Matrix is all about falling down the rabbit hole, away from the lack, fear, doubt, reluctance or frustration you might have accepted as your current reality. It's invigorating - and mind-whapping - all at the same time.

Having been at this juncture myself, and having listened to hundreds of people tell the tale when they, too, initially peered down the rabbit hole, I can tell you this: That tiny flicker you felt come alive while reading this . it knows you and what you're capable of creating.

Trust that flicker.

Trust Bob's belief in you.

And walk through the door.

Blessings and abundance to you,

Diane Armitage

Diane Armitage began working with Bob Proctor as a marketing copywriter in the '90s. Her business title has since expanded to Fixer of Lame Web Sites and Creator of Ongoing Internet Strategy & Campaigns. She lives in Laguna Beach, California on a rock over the ocean and writes as the town's resident "expert" in her widely-read Internet blog, www.HotSpotsInLagunaBeach.com

Contact Diane Armitage directly at www.FixYourLameWebSite.com

I totally agree on this and if you think about it, you will too...

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