Hello and welcome to my blog, that can change your life. (it certainly changed mine.) This blog can provide you with a good advice that can solve your problems, but it can do much more than that. You can change your life for the better for ever. If you want to do so, then feel free to read any post and try to learn from it. Contact me for more information and encouragement. Good luck and thank you for coming.

Monday, 18 May 2009

What's the point in helping others?

Many people I have met recently ask me - why do I help others with this blog and not only by writing, but holding conversations and giving real advices in life as well as in cyberspace. Well the answer is very easy. In fact you can read the answer already in my old posts in my blog, but the best way I could express the idea is by quoting Barbara De Angelis (An expert on relationship and love). "Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver." I have always experienced goodness in my life when ever I gave others something from my heart. There is one grate law - Energy is. That means if an action is energy, then it can't disappear, because of the law of physics. Energy can not be destroyed and it can move threw and out of form. So it's like virtual money. You can't touch it, but it's there...
Good things, that you do just because you want to are like money savings in your bank account. It will be deposited back to your life account... So don't waste valuable time and start doing things you feel need to be done and help others if you fell like doing that, because it always pays back sooner or later. You can count on that. But the trick is, if you start doing this because of all the wrong reasons (for example - I will help this old man, because someone will help me later on...) you will receive nothing if not lose something, because selfish help is negative energy. remember you can get back more of the same that you deposit in your life savings account, so be care full.

Keep up the good work and remember, You can, You know, You are able...

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